There’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to bring you Pitch Wars, and we’re excited for this upcoming year. Pitch Wars has had over 300 successes with mentees making agent matches, snagging publishing deals, and receiving awards.

Sarah Nicolas


Our Managing Director this year is Sarah Nicolas. Check out their page to learn more about them! A message from Sarah:

Thank you so much to everyone who applied to be a mentor this year! We were overwhelmed by the talent and experience of those who applied. If you weren’t invited to mentor this year, please don’t take it as a judgement! We greatly appreciate your willingness to share you knowledge and experience with up-and-coming writers.

I’m so excited about our 2019 mentor class! We have so many incredible mentors that I know are going to inspire our community and give so many writers a helping hand.

We received so many applications from talented industry professionals that it was a difficult task to pick our mentoring team. Our committee has worked hard to choose a team they feel represents our community and offers an acceptable range of genres in each of the categories we accept for the program. We were so sad that we couldn’t take every applicant, but we hope they will understand and apply again next year (pretty please). After each Pitch Wars event, our committee will evaluate our program and make changes as they feel are needed.

Don’t know what Pitch Wars is? Peruse our site and learn more about our mentoring program. You could start HERE.

To learn more about each mentor, check out their bios on our site. We also have a twitter list of all the mentors here. Mentor wishlists will go live on September 11; please wait for these wishlists to help you decide which four mentors you will submit to when the entry window opens on September 25.

AND COME BACK TOMORROW (There’s been a slight delay. The post will be up on Tuesday 8/13) to enter our critique workshop giveaway. Our current and past mentors will be giving away query and first page critiques for our workshop. I’ll have more details in my post tomorrow.

Well, we’re sure you all are as excited as we are to meet the 2019 Pitch Wars mentors, so without further delay, here they are!


Adult Fiction …

Alex Segura
Alexa Martin and Suzanne Park
Anne Raven and Janet Walden-West
Ava Reid and Rachel Morris
Carolyne Topdjian
Carrie Callaghan  and Michelle Hauck
Damyanti Biswas
Denny S. Bryce
Diana A. Hicks
Elizabeth Little
Farah Heron
Gia de Cadenet
GL Jackson
Gladys Quinn
Halley Sutton and Layne Fargo
Hayley Stone and Erin A. Tidwell
Ian Barnes
Kate Lansing
Kathleen Barber
Katie Golding
Keena Roberts
Kelly Siskind and Heather Van Fleet Adult
Kellye Garrett and Mia P. Manansala
Kerbie Addis and Ren Hutchings
Kristen Lepionka and Ernie Chiara
Laura Brown
Mary Ann Marlowe
Matthew Quinn Martin
Maxym M. Martineau
Meryl Wilsner and Rosie Danan
Michael Chorost
Natalka Burian
Nicole Glover
P. J. Vernon and  Kelly J. Ford
Paris Wynters
Rebecca Enzor
Rob Hart
Samantha Rajaram
Sarah Remy
Stephen Morgan
Susan Bishop Crispell
Tim Akers

Middle Grade Fiction …

A.J. Sass and Nicole Melleby
Adrianna Cuevas and Sarah Kapit
Amanda Panitch
Eric Bell
Erin Entrada Kelly
Graci Kim and Karah Sutton
Jessica Bayliss
Julie Abe and Sarah Suk
Julie Artz and Jessica Vitalis
KC Held
Kim Long and Jennifer L. Brown
Kit Rosewater and Ash Van Otterloo
Lacee Little and Bronwyn Clark
Maria Frazer and Meera Trehan
Nicole Panteleakos
Rajani LaRocca and Remy Lai
Rebecca Petruck
Sean Easley
Shakirah Bourne
TJ Ohler

Young Adult Fiction …

Abigail Johnson
Adalyn Grace
Aiden Thomas
Andrea Contos
Aty S. Behsam and Kylie Schachte
Auriane Desombre and Susan Lee
Ayana Gray
Brenda Drake and Kyle T. Cowan
Chelsea Hensley
Cole Nagamatsu
Deborah Falaye and Ciannon Smart
Hoda Agharazi
Isabel Ibañez
J. Elle
Jamie Howard
Jen Marie Hawkins and Anna Birch
Jenna Lincoln
Jesse Q Sutanto
Judy I. Lin
Julia Ember
Kat Dunn
Kelly Quindlen and Adrienne Tooley
Kimberly Gabriel and Dawn Ius
Kristin Lambert and Sasha Peyton Smith
Laurie Dennison
Leila Siddiqui
Lindsey Frydman
Liz Lawson and Jeff Bishop
Lyndsay Ely
Michaela Greer
Nancy Werlin
Olivia Hinebaugh
Rachel Griffin
Rachel Lynn Solomon and Kelsey Rodkey
Raquel Vasquez Gilliland and Sandra Proudman
Ray Stoeve
Rebecca Coffindaffer
Rebecca Schaeffer
Sabrina Lotfi and Carrie Allen
Sajni Patel
Sam Taylor
Sonia Hartl and Annette Christie
ST Sterlings
Zach Hines


Categories: Pitch Wars


Jean O'Keefe · September 19, 2019 at 12:19 pm

The next step .. is submission. How do I go about submitting to the four mentors I’ve selected? Thank you J O’Keefe

    Brenda Drake · September 20, 2019 at 3:24 pm

    There will be a form that will go live on our site on September 25 and will be available for a couple days. You’ll find it in the menu bar on top when it goes live. Or subscribe to our site and you’ll get notice in your email.

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