Hey Pitch Wars! In case you missed the news during the excitement of the Agent Showcase, I will be serving as your 2019 Managing Director!

I know many of you have been waiting for the announcement of our 2019 dates, so thank you for being patient with us! We made a lot of changes last year, so I wanted to seek feedback from our community before making some big decisions for this year. We surveyed and received feedback from hundreds of mentors, mentees, and agents in efforts to set the 2019 schedule.

We know that we’ll never find a schedule that will make everyone in our community happy, but we have worked to choose a schedule that balances everyone’s needs, commitments, and desires. If this schedule does not work for you, please know it’s nothing personal and we hope circumstances will change for future Pitch Wars events.

We acknowledge that doing revisions over the Holidays is often hard on mentors and mentees, which is why the revision period is still longer than in any Pitch Wars event from 2017 and earlier. In 2018, we increased the revision period from two months to four months, but found that to be too long for a number of reasons, so we’ve split the distance for 2019 and now have a three-month revision period.

Working through busy times to meet deadlines is nothing new to anyone in this industry, so we will work with our mentors to choose mentees and schedule their efforts to make the most of the time given.

So, without further ado, here are the 2019 Pitch Wars dates!

June 24 – Mentor Applications Open
July 8 – Mentor Applications Close
August 12 – Mentors Announced
September 11-25 – Mentor Wishlists Posted
September 25-27 – Submissions Open
November 3 – Mentees Announced
February 5-10 – Agent Showcase

If you are interested in applying to be a mentor, you can sign up to receive a reminder email when applications open by filling out the form here.

If you are looking for #pitmad dates (remember: Pitch Wars is an annual mentoring program, #pitmad is a quarterly twitter pitch party; they are separate things), those can be found on the #pitmad home page.

I can’t wait to get started on another wonderful Pitch Wars season with all of you!

<3 Sarah Nicolas

Categories: Pitch Wars


Wilf Keeley · March 22, 2019 at 6:19 am

Waiting, ms ready. Only just found out about pitch wars. What a great idea.

Jacki Kellum · April 27, 2019 at 5:37 pm

Is this Event open to picture book authors

    Sarah Nicolas · July 22, 2019 at 8:51 am

    Hi Jacki! Pitch Wars is for MG, YA, and Adult novels only.

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