We appreciate all of the heartfelt pleas to keep Pitch Wars free. Your voices are important to us!

We are always trying to find ways to help writers while keeping Pitch Wars without a fee. The webinars are an example of this. It gave writers a chance for critiques and information while earning a small amount of money to offset the cost of operations. Everything was intended to help writers, especially those who might not get into Pitch Wars, also have ways to interact and get help. This is also where all the query and first page workshops came in.

Since it’s already set up and free, this can now be done on the forum. You can connect there and help one another with critiques, and the mentors will occasionally stop by when they have a chance.

While these programs might’ve helped, it is also impossible to continue as we are. So we have decided to return to our simple model.

We will ask for donations to help with administrative costs. There will only be our mentorships and an agent round.

We will be returning all the fee waiver funds back to those who donated. Please give us a week to do that.

Thank you for understanding!

Brenda and Heather

Categories: Pitch Wars


Susan · April 4, 2018 at 1:32 pm

Does that mean no more webinars? The one on first pages last night was excellent. I would still like to donate the 20.00 which I will do early in May. But I hope there will be more webinars. Thanks.

Book Beat: RWA Has A Race Problem, Pitch Wars’ Fees, and How Do You Write Women? | Bookmarked · April 5, 2018 at 12:12 pm

[…] Rumor on the writer grapevine is that mentors involved with Pitch Wars suggested all sorts of options in order to avoid this. And now, it seems like the organizers are listening; as of Wednesday morning, Drake and Cashman have decided to remove the fee and instead scale back what they offer. […]

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