Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

How to Write Successful Queries with Literary Agent Dr. Uwe Stender

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to get your query in tip top shape? If so, don’t miss this Pitch Wars webinar with literary agent Dr. Uwe Stender.

Using examples, Uwe will show webinar participants how to write a query that will get requests from agents. Uwe will point out the pitfalls authors often fall victim to and how to avoid them.

Bonus! We will have a random drawing and two lucky winners will also have their queries critiqued by Uwe. There will also be time for an open Q&A.

The Details…

When: Tuesday, January 9

Time: 8:30 pm ET 

Cost: $25

Please note: Registration is limited to the first 50 participants.

(You don’t need a Paypal account to donate. Just go to the bottom and you can use a credit card.)

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About Dr. Uwe Stender…

Literary Agent Dr. Uwe Stender is a Full Member of the AAR (Association of Authors’ Representatives). He is interested in all kinds of non-fiction and fiction. In non-fiction, he is completely open to any project, from Memoir, Pop Culture, and Health to How-to, Gardening, History and everything in between, including non-fiction for children. In Children’s fiction, he is looking for YA, MG and PBs. In adult fiction, his tastes trend towards Women’s Fiction, Psychological Suspense, and Mysteries.  As an immigrant to the USA himself, he is always eager to bring projects from underrepresented voices into the world. So surprise him, his tastes are eclectic, and he may just love what you wrote!

About Pitch Wars Webinars . . .

The Pitch Wars webinar series was developed to help writers at every stage of their careers. Mentors and industry experts will host webinars focused on pitching, publishing, developing craft, and more.

Pitch Wars is a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions to shine it up for agents. The mentors work with their mentees for two months before an agent round. Learn more.

Categories: Webinars


Lu Ross · January 8, 2018 at 3:58 pm

I would like to attend this webinar, but I am having no luck. There is no Donate button on this page. I had to set up a Pay Pal account, unlike the webinar notification says, and when I do get to pay Pal, I have no idea how to pay for this because it does not take me to the pay screen like other webinars I have purchased from this and other companies. Pretty frustrated!

    Jackie · January 8, 2018 at 7:32 pm

    @Lu Ross, I had to refresh the page, myself, in order to see the Donate button. It’s a yellow oval in the middle of the page, appearing before Dr. Stender’s bio. Once you click on it (if it’s Paypal), it takes you directly to a Paypal page with Brenda’s name already set up in the fields. You just enter $25 as the amount, then upload a screenshot of your receipt.

    Hope that helps!

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