Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentor Name: N.K. Traver

Mentee Name: Bethany Hensel


Category: Young Adult

Genre: #ownvoices Fantasy

Word Count: 100,000 words


Carys Vaeta. Queen, ruler, Luminary—and dying of a rare disease.

Leo Vallerin. Refugee, ragamuffin, conman—and desperate to get home.

With Carys’s only cure dependent on finding her biological family, she offers riches beyond imagining for information, setting Leo up for his greatest con yet. Failure isn’t an option for either. But as secrets unravel, they’ll have to choose: loyalty or riches, lies or truth. Freedom or love.


My mother always told me: The worst truth is better than the best lie.

She said that thoughts have power, and to be careful with what I put out in the universe because it would always come back to me. She said that though life changes—in ways both big and small, quiet and deafening—I should not ever be afraid, because I’m strong enough to weather those changes. And she promised, just moments after I kissed my sweet Covo goodbye and he left my world forever, that the pain would stop, even though it felt impossible, and that my heart really was still beating, just differently now, tender in ways it had never been before.
Lastly, she whispered in my ear that one day, when I had children of my own, I would tell them all this too.

Her words are constantly with me, especially as I hurry down the wide stone path to Diamond House. The midnight chill seeps through my cloak and nestles in my bones, making me tremble. Or perhaps it’s not the chill at fault. Marin’s note is in my pocket, folded neatly, as if the bends in the paper could halve, then quarter, then cut his single sentence into pieces, so it’s like it never existed at all.

I’ve nothing to be afraid of.

I am strong enough for anything he has to tell me.

Categories: PW Entries


Lauren Spieller · November 2, 2017 at 10:12 pm

Wow, I love this sample! Please send your query in the body of an email, along with the full manuscript and a synopsis (both attached). Please also include a link to this entry. You can send your materials to I look forward to reading!


Caitie Flum · November 3, 2017 at 9:20 am

This looks great! It I’d love to take a look.

Please send the query in the body of the email + full manuscript as a Word attachment to with “Pitch Wars request” in the subject.

Melissa Edwards · November 3, 2017 at 9:45 am

I’d love to see more! Please email the first 50 pp. as a .doc to Thank you!

Hillary Jacobson · November 3, 2017 at 10:50 am

I love love love the sound of this! Please do send the full manuscript as a word document to Thank you!!

Carrie Hannigan · November 3, 2017 at 10:52 am

Hi Bethany,

I would love to see more! Please send your query to and attach the first 100 pages as a word document. Also please include “Pitch Wars YA” in your subject line.


Brianne Johnson · November 3, 2017 at 3:31 pm

Hi Bethany,

Nat has told me such incredible things about your work and I would LOVE to take a further look! I’m already so captivated by the sample you’ve shared above! Please could you send the full manuscript attached in a word document? I would really appreciate it if you would label your query REQUESTED: Pitch Wars and label the document with your last name and the title.

Thank you so much! I truly can’t wait to dive in!


Brianne Johnson
Writers House

Roseanne Wells · November 3, 2017 at 8:38 pm

I’d love to read more! Please use the guidelines on to send 30pp (instead of the normal 20), and include #Pitchwars in the subject line. I can’t wait to dive in!

Roseanne Wells
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

Ella Marie Shupe · November 5, 2017 at 2:45 pm

Hi Bethany,
Your own voice story pitch is compelling. Please send the first three chapters as an attachment to Include Pitch Wars in the subject line. Thanks.
Ella Marie Shupe
Belcastro Agency

Christa Heschke · November 6, 2017 at 12:39 pm

I’d be interested to see more! Please send a query, first 50 pages and synopsis to Look forward to reading!
-Christa Heschke, McIntosh & Otis

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