Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentee Name: Holly Rizzuto Palker

Mentor Name: Melissa Marino


Category: Women’s Fiction

Genre: Contemporary

Word Count: 96,000


BRIDGET JONES meets LUCK, LOVE & LEMON PIE. Risa Vita Stein, a thirty-something mom and American expat, lives in posh London when she suffers a midlife crisis, early. With a husband who is no longer interested in what is in her knickers, a handsome boot camp instructor who shows interest in more than just her squats and a newfound friendship with a highfalutin socialite, Risa must decide if she’ll live the carefree existence she yearns for or find her way back to her family.


I’d be more willing to do it if he’d just pin me to the wall and say, “I want you to have my baby, now let’s fuck.”

“Here, pee on this,” Darren says taking a Boots Pharmacy bag out of the inside pocket of his custom Italian suit. He throws it across the bed, skimming the mattress, like a kid skips a rock on the lake. I open it wondering what he could possibly want me to pee on.

“An ovulation kit?” I ask. “Husbands aren’t the ones who buy ovulation kits.”

I can feel the sexiness barometer free falling. I refuse.

A third child. Three isn’t a balanced number. I notice this while I sit in bed and doodle in my gratitude journal. I’m trying to be thankful for something here, but it’s damn hard.

A more attuned husband might introduce the number three at bedtime, after ten years of marriage, for more exciting reasons, like a threesome. Not Darren. Which is fine because I’d be freaked out by another woman, in my bedroom, judging my fat rolls.

“C’mon, Darren. Let’s just haaaaaave sex.”

He ninjas out of my grip, Mission Impossible style.

“Ugh, I’m leaving for Hong Kong in the morning,” he says.

“Oooh, all the more reason for me to hong that kong.”

Categories: PW Entries


Kelly Peterson · November 1, 2017 at 12:52 pm

Hi Holly!

I’d love to see more of this. Could you send me your query, synopsis, and the first 50 pages of your manuscript? If you go to you’ll find a form and should be able to attach the pages! Let me know if you have any questions! =)

Warm Regards,

Kelly Peterson
Jr. Literary Agent
Corvisiero Literary Agency

Carrie Pestritto · November 1, 2017 at 1:18 pm

I was super intrigued by your pitch and sample and definitely want to read more of this!! Please send me your query and first 50 pages, with the subject “PITCHWARS REQUEST,” to carrie(at)prospectagency(dot)com. Thank you and excited to see more!

Melissa Edwards · November 1, 2017 at 4:45 pm

I’d love to see more. Please email the first 50 pp as a .doc to Thank you!

Andrea Cascardi · November 3, 2017 at 12:16 pm

Hi, I’d love to see more! Can you send the full manuscript as a Word or PDF attachment to me? Please put Pitch Wars Request in the subject line.

Thank you!

#Pitch Wars and Other Writing Accomplishments - Holly Rizzuto Palker · January 3, 2018 at 10:57 pm

[…] manuscript, A BRITISH AFFAIR, was showcased in Pitch Wars 2017. It is my most significant writing accomplishment to date. If you […]

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