Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentor Name: Laura Heffernan

Mentee Name: Jesse Vigil


Category: Adult

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Word Count: 96,000


When game designer Deena collides with a swarthy cosplayer, Grant becomes her biggest challenge. She can handle his trollish friends and insecurity, but to keep Grant in her life, she must show him commitment doesn’t mean giving up his geeky passions.


Strangers in costumes surrounded me on all sides. If they didn’t dress head-to-toe in the garb of superheroes and space travelers, they wore trendy t-shirts plastered with pop culture references. I did not enjoy comic conventions, but such was my love for my roomie and de facto bestie. I braved this festival of awkward spandex for her. And how did she repay me?

“Please stop pressuring me into scoring a random hookup while we’re here,” I implored.

McKenzie Park punched my shoulder. “You’re a game designer, so I’m going to put this in terms you can understand. Picture me with a big exclamation point floating over my head. I am now giving you a quest to complete. Do not return to me until you’ve made out with one Burly Cosplayer or thoroughly beguiled five Lesser Fanboys.”

“Typically you’re supposed to offer me new boots if I complete that mission. I saw a bitchin’ pair of Fluevogs last week you could buy me with your new comic book riches.”

“You are as adorable as your ideas about how lucrative this industry is. Nevertheless, the quest remains. Complete it and you shall receive the Scroll of Moving On With Life. It grants Renewed Self Confidence and +2 to Feminine Swagger. It is a legendary rare item.”

“I’ve been single again for all of a hot second. Reign it in.” Internally, I died every time Kenzie played “quest giver.” I couldn’t help being a player who enjoyed completing every side quest, but hers always made me squirmy.

Categories: PW Entries


Kaitlyn Johnson · November 1, 2017 at 12:23 pm

This sounds so fun! I’d love to see the first three chapters! Please send to with PitchWars in referral box. Looking forward to the read!

Laura Crockett · November 1, 2017 at 1:34 pm

I’m interested in reading more! Please send the query in the body of the email, attach the full manuscript in a Word doc, subject line “Pitch Wars: [MS title],” to laura(at)triadaus(dot)com. Thanks! –Laura

Caitie Flum · November 1, 2017 at 1:45 pm

This looks great! I’d love to take a look.

Please send the query in the body of the email + full manuscript as a Word attachment to with “Pitch Wars request” in the subject.

Quressa Robinson · November 1, 2017 at 2:25 pm

My inner fangirl is standing at attention!

Please query me at In the subject line, write REQUESTED QUERY (PitchWars) and the title of your project. This will help ensure that your query isn’t accidentally deleted or caught in our spam filter. In the body of your email, include a one-page query letter and the first twenty pages of your manuscript.

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