Manuscript status: Finished

Mentors’ Names: Heather Van Fleet and Jessica Calla

Mentee Name: Allison Barnard


Category: Adult

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Word Count: 83.000  


Mated under the moon, a sassy, foul-mouthed, veterinarian alpha and a rival pack’s Heir must fight their dominant instincts—in and out of the bedroom—and join forces to solve the mystery surrounding the murders of local supernaturals.


Have a rare or extraordinary species requiring unusual or specialized treatment? Text Kel from 8pm-4am. WEEKNIGHTS ONLY. First come, first served. Always closed during the full moon.

I hit send on my cell phone, pull my burner from my bag, and make sure it’s charged. It won’t be turned on until seven, when I’m settled in my office, but I like to be prepared.

As I smile down at the post on my screen, I pray to the moon for an actual client tonight. My first diagnosis was through text. A gentleman—I use that term lightly—asked for a diagnosis of his pet snake. What followed was a barrage of unwanted dick pictures. When I finally stopped laughing, I managed to give him my professional diagnosis: what he had resembled a dead rabbit fetus, not a snake, and if that’s what it normally looked like, he needed to go get it checked out by any other doctor than myself.

I never heard from him again.

Leaving the empty stall, I approach the struggling bovine tied to the far wall, my last patient of the day, and try to pet her. She kicks out a back leg, making me jump away. “When the university sells you because you’ve kicked one too many students,” I growl. “I’m going to butcher you myself and have a nice steak dinner.”

The cow bellows and jumps forward, her hooves scrambling on the cement floor. I bare my teeth now that I’m safely out of range of her flailing hooves, which only makes her fight harder.


Categories: PW Entries


Jessica Watterson · November 1, 2017 at 12:10 pm

I would like to read the first 50 pages of this, in addition to a synopsis, to Please put #ptitchwars in the subject line. 🙂

Amanda Jain · November 3, 2017 at 9:50 am

I’d love to read more! Please send your full as an attachment to Thank you!

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