Manuscript Status: 2 weeks delivery

Mentor Name: Kate Foster

Mentee Name: Kimberly Fernando


Category: Middle Grade

Genre: Fantasy Retelling

Word Count: 50,000


Rama and Sita Retelling. Terrified of demons, Kavindi is content living in a cage underground. She’s safer there than caught up in the demon war—that’s what her caretaker, Ms. Hiruni, tells her. But Kavindi’s trust is shaken when a mysterious girl starts visiting instead of Ms. Hiruni, claiming there are no demons or war. Unsure what to believe, Kavindi must make a decision—let fear keep her locked up forever, or discover what does exist in the outside world.


My cage rolls across the dark side of the dungeon. The wheels grind against the ancient stone as my home inches along the pulley. I don’t mind the time I spend in the shadows. But I do resent that only a single candle is lit. I can’t read by the light of one flickering flame or gaze at the sacred text of the gods etched in the stone beneath me.

Ishan is at the nook clear across the moat for his daily washing and leg stretching. Ten minutes is all he gets for a scrub and a quick fencing lesson, and then our assigned caretaker, Ms. Hiruni, is gone for twelve hours until it’s my turn.

I can’t see Ms. Hiruni or Ishan hidden behind the stone divider on the far side of the moat. But most of the time I hear what they say. Sometimes I even see their candlelit shadows dancing over the gilded glyphs on the wall.

“Ishan, did I not tell you two seconds ago to stand up straight?” Ms. Hiruni’s high voice echoes through the vaulted chamber.

“I’m two heads taller than you. What makes you think I’m not standing straight?” my best friend counters. There is strength in his voice today and a dark edge in his tone.

Categories: PW Entries


Kaitlyn Johnson · November 1, 2017 at 10:45 pm

This sounds great! I’d love to see the full manuscript. Please send pages and synopsis http://QueryMe.Online/KaitlynJohnson/Contests with PitchWars in the referral box. Looking forward to the read!

Natascha Morris · November 1, 2017 at 11:32 pm

This sounds AMAZING! Please query me at Thank you!


Rena Rossner · November 2, 2017 at 2:22 am

I’d love to read this! Please send the full manuscript attached as a word document to: rena (at) thedeborahharrisagency (dot) com.


– Rena

Carrie Pestritto · November 2, 2017 at 8:51 am

I was super intrigued by your pitch and sample and definitely want to read more of this!! Please send me your query and first 50 pages, with the subject “PITCHWARS REQUEST,” to carrie(at)prospectagency(dot)com. Thank you and excited to see more!

Caitie Flum · November 2, 2017 at 10:09 am

This looks great! I’d love to take a look.

Please send the query in the body of the email + full manuscript as a Word attachment to with “Pitch Wars request” in the subject.

Carrie Hannigan · November 2, 2017 at 10:29 am

Hi Kimberly,

I would love to read more! Please send your query to with the first 100 pages attached as a word document. Also please include “Pitch Wars” in your subject line.

Thanks so much!
Carrie (Hannigan Salky Getzler)

Suzie Townsend · November 2, 2017 at 12:11 pm

This sounds so amazing! I’m so intrigued — I would love to read the full ms! Please send the full manuscript to attached as a Word document with the query in the first page of the document. Put “PITCH WARS” in the subject. Please also include a dreaded synopsis if you have one. Thank you! Can’t wait to read!

Hillary Jacobson · November 2, 2017 at 12:20 pm

I need to know what happens!! Please send the full manuscript as a word document to Thank you!

Peter Knapp · November 2, 2017 at 3:29 pm

Hi Kimberly — I’m intrigued and would love to keep reading! Please send the full manuscript as a Word doc with the query pasted into the first page of the document to with “PETER KNAPP – PITCH WARS REQUEST” in the subject. Thank you, and I look forward to reading!

Roseanne Wells · November 2, 2017 at 10:42 pm

I love Rama and Sita–the Ramayana, really. And I’d love to read more! Please use the guidelines on to send 100pp (instead of the normal 20), and include #Pitchwars in the subject line. I can’t wait to dive in!

Roseanne Wells
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

Blair Wilson · November 2, 2017 at 11:03 pm

This sounds incredible–I’d love to read more! Please send the full manuscript as a Word doc with the query pasted into the first page of the document to with “BLAIR WILSON – PITCH WARS REQUEST” in the subject. Thanks so much–looking forward to reading!

Abigail Samoun · November 3, 2017 at 2:46 am

intriguing! Feel free to send the entire manuscript as a Word document to Be sure to put PITCHWARS in the subject line.. Thanks!
Abigail Samoun
Red Fox Literary

Jennifer Azantian · November 3, 2017 at 2:59 am

Hi Kimberly,

I would love to read more!

Please send your query, 1-2 page synopsis, and first 100 pages (in an attached word doc.) to queries at azantianlitagency dot com with “PitchWars: TITLE by Name” in the subject line. Thanks!

I look forward to reading on!

Jennifer Azantian
Azantian Literary Agency

Melissa Nasson · November 3, 2017 at 11:34 am

Kimberly, I would love to read more of this! Please send the first 50 pages as a Word doc or PDF attachment to Please also include your query letter in the body of the email, and Pitch Wars in the subject line.

I look forward to reading!


Melissa Nasson
Rubin Pfeffer Content

Danielle Burby · November 3, 2017 at 4:17 pm

This sounds really compelling! Please send the query and first twenty pages in the body of the email to with the subject line Pitch Wars Request. I can’t wait to read it!

Brent Taylor · November 5, 2017 at 10:11 am

I’d love to see more of this. Please send the full manuscript to brent(@)triadaus(.)com. Looking forward!

Christa Heschke · November 7, 2017 at 3:43 pm

I have to read this! Sounds great! Please send a query and full manuscript to I look forward to reading!
-Christa Heschke, McIntosh & Otis

Kari · November 7, 2017 at 6:50 pm

Dear Kimberly,

This sounds awesome! I love the voice and the premise. Can you please send me the first 50 pages as an attachment, along with a query in the email and REQUESTED: PitchWars in the subject line?

Thank you!

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