Ice Cream Cones


Age Category: Adult

Genre: Science Fiction Thriller

Word Count: 107,000


Formerly deceased designer, Tracy Seavers, is now host to a deviant alien entity she abhors. Handsome Detective John Peters can help, unless the alien steers them both into the hands of a serial killer.

First 250 Word of Manuscript:

Detective John Peters squatted beside a bloodstained patch of sand. He tuned out the news helicopters circling the bridge above him. The overturned tractor-trailer and the smashed blue sedan straddling the guardrail would make for a decent headline, but they always wanted more. He could feel their cameras zooming in, looking for the body they’d been promised. But deceased accident victim, Tracy Seavers, was no longer there.

“Dead girls don’t just get up and walk away.” The off-duty EMT, first on-scene, folded his arms. “I’m telling you that girl was light years past CPR.”

The odor of diesel engines carried on the late-summer breeze as another firetruck arrived on the bridge. Circumventing the body’s last known location, John blotted out the noise and concentrated on the conundrum at hand.

“There was nothing I could do for her.” The EMT shaded his eyes, squinting at the collision scene above. “I heard the other girl screaming so I climbed the hill to see if I could help.”

John nodded. The roommate, Laini Hanson, was damn lucky she’d stayed in the car. Too bad Seavers hadn’t done the same.

He crouched in the space between the impact-site and a pink, size-nine loafer lying sideways in the sand. A trail of footprints led into the trees where a few uniformed officers directed doe-eyed interns on search and rescue procedures.

John sighed, surveying the reckless clusters of college students as they left holes in their search patterns any seven-year-old could avoid. If they hunted for their keys like they searched for a missing person, they’d never get out of their goddamn houses in the morning.


Categories: Pitch Madness


Catherine · March 16, 2017 at 2:48 pm

I can’t wait to read all of this when it gets published!

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