
Cover illustration by James Lopez


TITLE: BEST. NIGHT. EVER.: A Story Told from Seven Points of View
AUTHORS: Rachele Alpine, Ronni Arno, Alison Cherry, Stephanie Faris, Jen Malone, Gail Nall, and Dee Romito
PUBLISHER: Aladdin/Simon & Schuster
RELEASE DATE: August 15, 2017

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About the book . . .

Love Actually meets Adventures in Babysitting in this hilarious novel written by seven authors about seven classmates who are preparing for a crazy night at their middle school dance.

Lynnfield Middle School is prepped and ready for a dance to remember, including an awesome performance from Heart Grenade, the all-girl band who recently won a Battle of the Bands contest. Seven classmates—Carmen, Genevieve, Tess, Ryan, Ellie, Ashlyn, and Jade—intend to make the most of the night…or at least the five of them who are able to attend do. The other two would sacrifice almost anything to be there.

One thing’s for sure—this entire crew is in for one epic night! Rachele Alpine, Ronni Arno, Alison Cherry, Stephanie Faris, Jen Malone, Gail Nall, and Dee Romito have created a charming, hilarious, and relatable novel that’s perfect for anyone who can’t wait to dance the night away.


About the authors . . .


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Rachele Alpine is the author of the middle grade novels Operation Pucker Up and You Throw Like a Girl and the young adult novels A Void the Size of the World and Canary. By day she’s a high school English teacher, by night she’s a wife and mom, and she finds any time in between to write. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio where she writes with the companionship of the world’s cutest dog and a big bag of gummy peaches.  She loves hearing from readers!



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Ronni Arno is the author of the middle grade novels Ruby Reinvented, Dear Poppy, and Molly in the Middle. She lives on the coast of Maine with her husband, two daughters, and her dogs, Hazel and Mabel. When she’s not writing, Ronni stalks her kids for story ideas, kayaks, and eats chocolate… but not usually at the same time.



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Alison Cherry is the author of the middle grade novels Willows vs. Wolverines and The Classy Crooks Club and the young adult novels Red, For Real, and Look Both Ways. She is a professional photographer and spent many years working as a lighting designer for theater, dance, and opera productions. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with her two cats.



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Stephanie Faris knew she wanted to be an author from a very young age. In fact, her mother often told her to stop reading so much and go outside and play with the other kids. After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University she somehow found herself working in information technology. But she never stopped writing. Her middle grade novels include 30 Days of No Gossip and 25 Roses, and she’s also the author of the Piper Morgan chapter book series. When she isn’t crafting fiction, Stephanie works as a freelance writer for a wide variety of websites and magazines. She lives in Nashville with her husband.



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Jen Malone once spent a year traveling the world solo, met her husband on the highway (literally), and went into labor with her identical twins while on a rock star’s tour bus. These days she saves the drama for her books. Jen’s middle grade novels include The Sleepover, At Your Service and The Art of the Swap, as well as the You’re Invited series, co-written with Gail Nall. She has also written the young adult novels Map to the Stars, Wanderlost, and Changes in Latitude. You can learn more about Jen and her books on her website.



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Gail Nall lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with her family and more cats than necessary. She once drove a Zamboni, has camped in the snow in June, and almost got trampled in Paris. Gail is the author of the middle grade novels Out of Tune and Breaking the Ice, as well as You’re Invited and You’re Invited Too, cp-written with Jen Malone. She has also written the young adult novel Exit Stage Left.



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Dee Romito lives in her hometown of Buffalo, New York. You’re likely to find her on adventures with her husband and two energetic kids, at the local ice cream shop, or curled up in a comfy chair with her cats. She loves to write, travel, and giggle like a teenager with her friends. Dee is the author of the middle grade novels The BFF Bucket List and No Place Like Home. You can visit her blog at WriteForApples.


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Branwen · November 18, 2016 at 7:43 am

Such a cute idea. Would love to hear how it was for the authors to coordinate the writing of this. Maybe a future post? 🙂

Katherine · November 20, 2016 at 2:32 pm

Looks so fun! I’m intrigued by the part that only five of them actually make it to the dance – I’m curious about the other two now!

Stephanie H. · November 21, 2016 at 10:28 am

I love that there are seven girls with different personalities and that they’re able to have fun on a night that they’ll remember forever.

Jennifer Petro-Roy · November 21, 2016 at 10:38 am

I love how all these fabulous authors are collaborating. Can’t wait!

Michelle I. Mason · November 21, 2016 at 10:40 am

This sounds amazing. Can’t wait to read!

Rachele Mielke · November 21, 2016 at 11:30 am

Thanks so much for featuring Best. Night. Ever.! I’m so excited for everyone to read it…we had such a fun time writing it!

annmarjoryk · November 21, 2016 at 11:57 am

I’m not sure who’s more excited to read this, me or my 10yo!

Stephanie Faris · November 21, 2016 at 1:12 pm

Thank you SO much for featuring us here today. I’m honored to have worked with these six amazing authors. So excited to see this one on shelves!

Isaiah Campbell · November 21, 2016 at 2:37 pm

I love the collaborative idea. Telling the same story from different angles is such a novel (get it?) idea!

Penny Olson · November 21, 2016 at 3:29 pm

I love how seven amazing authors have come together to create Best. Night. Ever. I think it’ll be a hit! Thanks for the giveaway!

Risa N. · November 21, 2016 at 5:05 pm

So excited to read Best. Night. Ever. An EPIC idea.

Jessica · November 21, 2016 at 5:39 pm

Love the cover of this book! It’s so fun! And this book sounds awesome! 🙂

BJ James · November 22, 2016 at 3:46 pm

They are awesome for being created. I am entering to try and win them for my son-in-laws sister. She just got a new job as a teacher in the Marianas islands! She would love them for her kids – they are grades 6-12.

Amy R · November 22, 2016 at 11:21 pm

Sounds interesting with all of the different points of view! Kids love to read about other kids 🙂

Rayna Reveur · November 27, 2016 at 12:59 pm

This. Sounds. Awesome. I haven’t watched Love Actually, but I love the idea of the lives of multiple people intersecting on one night.

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