Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentor: Rebecca Yarros
Mentee: Tricia McKee
Category/Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance (Body-Positive)
Word Count: 93,000 


When a plus-sized engineer with body issues collides with a tattooed, commitment-shy frontman, Avery learns to rock her curves. But as her connection with Declan deepens and Avery’s vacation ends, attraction alone can’t burn away their darkest fears. Both must face powerful insecurities to embrace a love as elemental as the sultry New Orleans night.


I had a porn habit.

It wasn’t an obsession. It wasn’t a fetish. It didn’t require trips to anonymous meetings where you said, “Hello my name is X and I’m addicted to naked men.” I simply enjoyed watching people have sex. The women in porn, however, never looked like me.

Mainstream porn stars looked more like some variation of silicone Barbie, i.e. half-modeling career failure, half-sex doll/mechanical experiment, a la Frankenstein. There were exceptions, of course, but generally, the Frankenhookers with fake funbags were the rule.

Conversely, I was soft, curvy and…not a size six.

I’d been told that I wore the weight well, that I had a pretty face; all of that shit curvy women heard. Men told me that I had a great rack. That if I lost 40 pounds I’d be fuckable––that’s actual verbiage there––and even referred to flirting with me as “taking one for the team.”

I’d never be thin; some women aren’t meant to be, but I was so damn tired of feeling invisible. I wanted to learn how to rock my curves and be confident in my skin.

It was high time I threw up the old double-bird salute at all of the guys who’d overlooked me or used me to get to my best friend. To send out a giant fuck you to the men who’d thought I was either too much or not enough.

Which was how I ended up in a tacky-as-hell waiting room.


Categories: Pitch Wars


renarossner · November 3, 2016 at 9:15 am

I’d love to take a look at this full manuscript! Please send the query pasted in the email and the manuscript attached in word to rena (at) thedeborahharrisagency (dot) com


– Rena Rossner

Jacqueline Lindert · November 3, 2016 at 11:58 am

This sounds fantastic. I’d love to see the full manuscript! Please send the query and full ms (as an attachment) to jlindert(at)newleafliterary(dot)com, and include “Pitch Wars Request” in the subject line.

Thank you!
Jackie Lindert

Michelle Richter · November 3, 2016 at 12:34 pm

I love the voice! Please send a query and the full manuscript to querymichelle (at) fuseliterary (dot) com and mention Pitch Wars in the subject line.

Jessica Watterson · November 3, 2016 at 1:31 pm

Yes! Please send the full and synopsis my way to with #pitchwars in subj!

Patricia Nelson · November 3, 2016 at 3:20 pm

I would love to see more of this! Please send a query (in the body of the email) plus the first 50 pages as a Word doc attachment to, and make sure to put “Pitch Wars Request” and the title in the subject line.

Looking forward to reading!

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