Young desperate girl writing with an old typewriter. Conceptual

Is your 35-word pitch (aka logline) ready? Got a Twitter pitch? Many contests require a 35-word pitch to enter. If you make it into Pitch Wars, your mentor will help you come up with a short pitch, but having something ready will make the process easier.  Also, #PitMad is coming June 9 from 8AM to 8PM EDT. Don’t know what #PitMad is? Go here for the details.  So I thought I’d give you some formulas I use  to come up with my short pitches. It’s great to have memorized when attending conferences, so if you’re asked what your manuscript is about, you have a coherent pitch to rattle off. You don’t want to lose an agent’s attention by giving them a huge exposé of every detail in your story.  Here’s some simplified formulas. I hope it helps you to come up with a pitch that hooks.

The 35-word pitch or logline for your story must be exciting and pull your reader in. One to two catchy sentences that grab your reader’s attention.

  • Use generalities, don’t use name of things that the agents won’t understand.
  • Don’t use rhetorical questions.
  • Make sure the stakes are clear. What does your character stand to lose if he doesn’t accomplish his goal(s)?
  • Don’t be vague. You don’t want to confuse the agents or for it to sound vanilla.
  • Don’t keep secrets. Avoid saying things like your character has special skills or a hidden agenda. Clearly state in the pitch the special skill or hidden agenda.


The “take action” pitch …

[Protagonist] in [a situation] must [take action] to solve [the problem].

Example: Yanked into a gateway book that links the world’s great libraries, Gia finds that she’s a long lost knight and must now stop a scorned wizard hell-bent on creating an apocalypse.

The “when” pitch …

When [protagonist] discovers/learns/other similar word [catalyst], he/she must [overcome x] before a deadline or ticking clock, or else [stakes].

Example: When sixteen-year-old Gia Kearns accidentally jumps into a book linking the world’s libraries, she finds she’s a long lost knight and must stop an evil wizard from releasing an apocalyptic being that can destroy both the Mystik and human realms.


Add what is unique about your story to your pitch. That something cool that makes an agent/editor sit up and notice the pitch.

Example: Yanked into a gateway book that links the world’s great libraries, Gia finds that she’s a long lost knight and must now stop a scorned wizard hell-bent on creating an apocalypse.


Twitter pitches …

Twitter pitching on hashtags such as #PitMad have yielded many successes. Finding the perfect Twitter pitch can be a difficult task. A Twitter pitch is 140 characters (max). Whittle down your 35-word pitch (logline) to come up with the perfect Twitter pitch.

Example: Yanked into a gateway book linking the world’s libraries, Gia discovers she’s a long lost knight and must stop an apocalypse. #PitMad #YA


Good luck pitching, and I hope to see you on June 9 for our next #PitMad!



DJ Siciliano · May 12, 2016 at 11:18 am

This is major help! Thank you for using the colors to show what part belongs to which piece of the requirement. The best help yet! You are excellent!

Susan Dalessandro · May 12, 2016 at 11:32 am

Thanks so much Brenda. Condensing my book into a 140 word pitch is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do. I think I have one ready to go now, using one of your examples. I’ll be ready for #PitMad on June 9th. Thanks!

Debra G. · May 12, 2016 at 1:37 pm

Will there be a #PitMad practice?

Kari · May 12, 2016 at 1:37 pm

Thank you again for the valuable advice. It’s great to have examples to go by. Even if I dont participate in the Twitter contests pitch it’s still great to follow for the examples. These are great, too!

Samantha Caprio-Negret · October 13, 2016 at 5:27 pm

Hi Brenda,
I have two finished, polished manuscripts & synopses. How do I go about entering #PitchWars? Do you tweet the 35-word pitch on the day of the contest? A little confused still. Thanks.

Adventure Mermaid · April 28, 2017 at 4:31 pm

Thank you for this explanation of the Twitter Pitch! We are almost finished writing our children’s book and are so excited to share it! ?

Matthew Henderson · May 15, 2017 at 12:03 pm

These examples are for commercial fiction (what does the character have to overcome, at what cost). Does Pitchwar work for Literary fiction? or Upmarket

    Brenda Drake · May 15, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    This is just a sample from my book. You can use the formula to fit with literary fiction. Pitch Wars takes all novel length fiction in MG, YA, NA, and Adult. It depends on the mentors like, which they will reveal during the wishlist blog hop starting July 19.

angel l. chu · June 11, 2017 at 11:51 pm

SUPER helpful!! Thanks so much Brenda <3

Pitch Wars: my top preparation strategies! | Madison Lessard · July 26, 2016 at 5:56 pm

[…] Brenda Drake on “the Twitter pitch” […]

Michael Mammay » Preparing Your Twitter Pitch · November 21, 2016 at 8:08 pm

[…] A great look at the basics of building a pitch from Brenda Drake here. […]

A Journey to Publication – Just North of Normal Book Blog · March 17, 2017 at 11:05 pm

[…] Here’s a great post by contest-guru Brenda Drake on crafting a pitch: […]

Pitching on Twitter . . . 140 character loglines! | Way-Word Writer · March 22, 2017 at 5:20 pm

[…] For more ideas about how to make a pitch, see Pitch Wars: The 35-word and Twitter Pitch … simplified […]

#PitMad Twitter Pitch Party Today . . . After the Madness! | Way-Word Writer · March 23, 2017 at 6:01 am

[…] Or on Brenda Drake’s site here: The 35-word Twitter Pitch . . . Simplified […]

How to Write a Twitter Pitch: An inside look at Twitter writing contests and how to make your pitch stand out by Meg LaTorre-Snyder - SavvyAuthors · August 3, 2017 at 5:00 am

[…] Pitch Wars: The 35-word and Twitter Pitch … simplified by Brenda Drake […]

13 Things to Know About #PitMad - Eva Langston · November 25, 2021 at 1:58 pm

[…] offers the following advice for how to write your 35-word twitter pitch. Once you’ve written a few (I recommend writing three different pitches) have writer friends […]

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