BFF Bucket List [9109319] - high res

Cover illustration by Annabelle Metayer

AUTHOR: Dee Romito
PUBLISHER: Aladdin/Simon & Schuster

Simon & Schuster  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  IndieBound

 About the book . . .

Ella and Skyler have been best friends since kindergarten—so close that people smoosh their names together like they’re the same person: EllaandSkyler. SkylerandElla.

But Ella notices the little ways she and Skyler have been slowly drifting apart. And she’s determined to fix things with a fun project she’s sure will bring them closer together—The BFF Bucket List. Skyler is totally on board.

The girls must complete each task on the list together: things like facing their fears, hosting a fancy dinner party, and the biggest of them all—speaking actual words to their respective crushes before the end of summer. But as new friends, epic opportunities, and super-cute boys enter the picture, the challenges on the list aren’t the only ones they face.

And with each girl hiding a big secret that could threaten their entire friendship, will the list–and their BFF status–go bust?

About the author . . .

Dee Romito - author photoDee Romito lives in her hometown of Buffalo, New York, where she and her family are steadily checking items off their own bucket list of adventures. You’re likely to find her at the local ice cream shop, writing at a café, or curled up on the couch with her cats. And while she does her best to be a grown-up most of the time, giggling with her BFFs is still one of her all-time favorite things. You can visit her website at

To join the fun and create your own bucket list, visit!

Connect with Dee . . .

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Terri Skurzewski · May 3, 2016 at 12:42 pm

You know you’ve “made it” when you appear on Brenda Drake’s site. Congratulations, Dee! You’re one of a kind and I’m so very glad I know you. Now, go sell some books!

    Dee · May 3, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Thank you, Terri! And I know, Brenda is the best!

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