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Welcome to the Pitch Wars Team Interviews with Marnise Nicole

Bringing you a closer look each Pitch War Team and their project.

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Meet Sarah Madsen and KT Hanna


Sarah Madsen


K.T., tell Us A Little About Yourself.                              

I enjoy reading high fantasy, urban fantasy, scifi, horror, thrillers, murder mysteries… pretty much anything but contemporary. And even then I’ll read a contemporary if it grabs me. My favourite genre? SCIENCE FICTION 😀 I’m a gamer – but usually opt for MMORPGs and right now am forcing myself to not play them – my addictive personality will replace writing with games if I’m not careful. Writing style? Hmmm that I write like website says I write like Chuck Palahniuck or J.D. Salinger – I’m not sure how accurate that is, but I think I kind of write like K.T. Hanna 😉 I’m a binge writer by trade — actually, I binge on most things hahaha Apparently I also have an accent (so not true), and I may or may not swear a lot.

 Sarah, tell Us A Little About Yourself.   

Since I write SciFi/Fantasy, that’s usually what I read. Right now I’m on my second go-round of THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss. Other favorites of mine include the KUSHIEL’S DART trilogies by Jaqueline Carey, The HOLLOWS series by Kim Harrison, anything and everything by Tanya Huff, and Jim Butcher’s THE DRESDEN FILES. I have a soft spot in my heart for YA as well…I just finished Naomi Novik’s UPROOTED and loved it. The DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE trilogy by Laini Taylor is amazing, and I still have all of L.J. Smith’s books on my shelf from when I was 15. I’m a huge gamer (did I mention I named my dog Brynjolf?). Right now I’m a bit obsessed with the Dragon Age series, so my apologies ahead of time. Since I’m so into RPGs of varying types,my writing tends to be very character driven. I also tend to like a lot of snap and sass in my dialogue, and I think that shows up at least a little in my work. Give me all the attitude!

K.T., why Did you Decide to Participate in Pitch Wars.           

I love to try and pay it forward. I also love editing and helping people. So, those are pretty much my reasons. That and I love Brenda, soooo anything to help her achieve something wonderful!

Sarah, why Did you Decide to Participate in Pitch Wars.         

I’ve recently been getting into the Twitter pitch parties (I participated in SFFPit and WritePit, though I missed PitMad the first time around this year). This one showed up in my feed and I figured…why not? Nothing to lose. Even if I didn’t get chosen, I love meeting all the other awesome authors out there. I can’t wait to see all of your wonderful books in the stores!

K.T., what Are You Most Excited For?    

Hmmm working together to bring out the really amazing elements that set this Urban Fantasy twist apart. I can visualize this world so clearly – and the premise is fun and complex. Definitely most excited to help it reach its potential.

Sarah, what Are You Most Excited For?

I cannot wait to hear what K.T. has to say about my MS! I want her to tear it apart and show me the bloody, oozing insides so I know where it needs to be fixed. I’m also really excited to build a broader network of authors supporting one-another. Encouragement and commiseration goes a long way.

Sarah, describe Your Novel In 3 Words.

Sneaky. Elf. Thief.

K.T., describe Your Mentee’s Novel In 3 Words.           

Thieving. Cyberpunk. Magic.


Check Us Out …

Sarah Madsen

Sarah Madsen, Team Mentee

Blog | Twitter | Facebook

I’m Sarah Madsen. I live in the wilds (okay, suburbs) of north Georgia and write Scifi/Fantasy. I’m a gamer geek — video games, table top RPGs, LARP, anything! — and I can usually be found haunting my local Starbucks.


KT Hanna, Team Mentor    

Blog | Twitter | Facebook

KT Hanna has a love for words so extreme, a single word can spark entire worlds. Born in Australia, she met her husband in a computer game, moved to the U.S.A. and went into culture shock. Bonus? Not as many creatures specifically out to kill you. When she’s not writing, she freelance edits for Chimera Editing, interns for a NYC Agency, and chases her daughter, husband, corgi, and cat. No, she doesn’t sleep. She is entirely powered by the number 2, caffeine, and beef jerky. Note: Still searching for her Tardis.

K.T. Hanna’s recent release …

CHAMELEON Domino Project Front with Text 2Redemption is never simple…

When Sai’s newly awoken psionic powers accidentally destroy her apartment complex, she’s thrown into an intensive training program. Her only options are pass or die. Surviving means proving her continued existence isn’t a mistake–a task her new mentor, Bastian, takes personally. Her abilities place her in the GNW Enforcer division, and partners her with Domino 12, who is eerily human for an alien-parasite psionic hybrid. After eliminating an Exiled scientist, she discovers someone is manipulating everything. With each mission more perilous, Sai must figure out who to trust before her next assignment becomes her last.

Available for purchase from:

Amazon LinkBarnes-and-Noble

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Signed Copies at:
Watermark Books

Hybrid (The Domino Project #2) – Available November 2015

Parasite (The Domino Project #3) – Available February 2016

Categories: InterviewsPitch Wars


Suzanne Morrone · September 8, 2015 at 1:57 pm

Comment You two seem made for each other! It should be an exciting two months.

    Deb · September 9, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    Hi! In the e-mail I received, this is supposed to be the interview with M.C. Vaughan.

Deb · September 9, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Whoops, accidentally commented under Suzanne’s comment. ^-^

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