It’s that time again! I’m excited to bring you the Pitch Wars Mentor Critique Workshop featuring some of our talented current and past mentors! The mentors will be giving away query and first page critique packages to some lucky winners of our drawing. That means each winner will have both their query and first page critiqued.

So far we have 32 critique packages to giveaway, but we just announced mentors and they are still signing up to donate critiques so we may have more by the time we end the drawing.

We will try to post all the critiques on the blog, so that even those who don’t win a critique in the drawing can view and learn from them. Please only enter if you’re willing to have it posted to our site. All critiques will be anonymous – no writer names or titles of work will be listed. 

This is for all genres in the middle grade, young adult, new adult, and adult categories of fiction. We do have mentors taking memoir, graphic novels, and erotica. Winners will be announced on August 18 at 10AM Time change due to unforeseen events. We hope to have winners announced by tomorrow, August 19, AM. (the drawing will close August 17 at 11:59PM) Eastern and winners will receive an email, so be ready to submit your sample for critique immediately.You will have 48 hours from the date of your instruction email to get your query and first page package to us.  If you miss the window, your critique will be given away.

What if I’m not sure I’m going to enter Pitch Wars?  That’s okay! Everyone is welcomed to enter the giveaway.

All you have to do is to enter this rafflecopter. One entry per person.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


And here are the winners of the drawing. Congratulations!

Winners will receive an instruction email in the next 24-48 hours from the Pitch Wars blog gmail account. Please check your spam if you don’t receive one. Have your query and first page (250 words – If it ends in the middle of a sentence, go to the end of the sentence.) to send. You have 48 hours to get it in. Only because we have to send them to the mentors and get them back to those of you who are entering Pitch Wars.


Raffle No. Winner
2005 Adi Touitou
592 Adriana Woolley
1305 Afisha Narine
1331 Alicia Bernbaum
147 Allison Gunn
1549 Amanda Adgate
475 Amelia Savage
890 Amy Trakos
2081 Andrew Neltner
1350 Anna Thomas
1654 Ariana Townsend
1990 Barbara Hawryluk
1783 Brian Gonsar
166 Carolyn Fay
1815 Cloe Santamaria
29 Colton Long
2088 Cortney Winn
1201 Dana Agrusa-Wittbrodt
217 Danger Fawkes
419 Dani Tamura
80 Danielle Medina
923 David Neuner
100 Dawn Gernhardt
229 Deena Graves
190 Emi Tran
3 Emily Pichardo
1649 Erin Murphy
1598 Erin Steele
987 Evelyn Pentikis
1407 Fatima Zahra
1142 Franklin Barnes
1474 Gabriel De Jesus
2016 Geraldine Mukumbi
1802 Gisell Acosta
26 Hannah Stone
235 Holly Blanchard
1310 Ifty Finn
50 James Gettys II
1999 Jane Barron
717 Jean Marcello
264 Jeffrey Cruikshank
1755 Jennifer Lee
1438 Jennifer Pickrell
1249 Jenny Bourke
1243 Jesse Liberty
864 Julieta Segarra
2044 Kaeli Rathmann
2021 Kalena Makanui
1613 Karishma Reddy
928 Karla Hopkinson
1660 Katherine Myers
1222 Kathleen Allen
1989 Kathryn Dowling Wrye
324 Katie Ferriello
158 Katie Parker-Riccio
1567 Kayla Simmons
270 Kimberly Hays de Muga
851 Laura Kohler
364 Lauren Dowdle
1452 Lauren McShane
755 Leah Tesch
1984 Leigh Paulk
431 Lena Fultz
149 Lori Ubell
691 Manjula Nair
1398 Maria Hossain
869 Maria Minaeva
349 Marie Davies
118 Marina Stevenson
58 Marsea Nelson
1937 Matthew Chambers
462 Melissa Menten
1507 Michelle Bulsiewicz
185 Monique Fisher
18 Nakia Jackson
1556 Nancy West
301 Olivia Queener
84 Paloma Bellatin
973 Patrick Hopkins
1137 Rachel Frederick
1392 Rebecca Santelli
724 Reem Khaleel
1144 Rohini Tendulkar
31 Sara Adams
255 Sarah Evans
1251 Sarah Kaminski
132 Sarah Petzold
1532 Sasha Kielman
523 Shivam Chopra
1071 Siana LaForest
956 Stephanie Whitaker
1868 Stephen Frame
69 Susannah Willey
172 Susanne Allen
312 Therese Majeski
408 Tiffani Burkett
1388 Tmara Watson
1731 Tracey Buchanan
1618 Vishaka Sriram
103 Wajudah Muheeb
2009 William Mallon

Categories: Workshops


Reed Morris · August 11, 2021 at 10:18 pm


    Barb Joyce-Hawryluk · August 17, 2021 at 11:45 am

    I also seem to have entered 4 times, and yet I’m not sure if you received my entry. Please let me know what I’m doing wrong.
    Thank you,
    Barb Joyce-Hawryluk

      Brenda Drake · August 18, 2021 at 10:19 pm

      We have yours, Barb, and everything looks okay. You were supposed to have 4 entries. One for each question you answered. 🙂

Cassie · August 12, 2021 at 3:13 am

Just so I’m clear, is the first page the first 250 words (approx)?


    Brenda Drake · August 12, 2021 at 12:07 pm

    Yes, the first page is the first 250 (approx – not too much over – just stop at a good place) words of your manuscript. 🙂

Christy · August 12, 2021 at 11:39 am

I’m in!

Yvonne · August 12, 2021 at 1:27 pm

Fingers Crossed!

I hope I entered properly…I filled out all the blanks but now it says I’ve entered four times.

    Brenda Drake · August 12, 2021 at 2:12 pm

    Each entry (Name, email, category, genre) gives you one entry, so you should have 4 entries. You are good! 🙂

    Kim Lefever · August 16, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    Agree – I was confused by the notification of “4 entries” too.

Afisha Narine · August 12, 2021 at 2:48 pm


What if you accidently put the wrong genre?

    Brenda Drake · August 16, 2021 at 6:07 pm

    Afisha, I can delete it and you can enter again.

Rebecca Santelli · August 19, 2021 at 10:27 pm

I am so excited to be one of the winners! Thank you, Brenda, and all the Pitch Wars team.

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