The submission window for Pitch Wars will open tonight at midnight (9/27 at 12Am Eastern Time) and will close on October 1 at 10PM Eastern Time. This mentorship program is open to Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult completed, never-before-published works of fiction.

From our Managing Director, Sonia Hartl …

“Thank you to everyone participating in Pitch Wars 2020! No matter what the outcome is, you wrote a book and put your work out there, which is incredibly brave and awe inspiring. Pitch Wars is only one path of many, where the real success is in finding your community. If you’ve met a few new people this year, you’ve already won.”


Come join us on Pubtalk Live (@PubTalkLiveTonight! Where Sarah Nicolas will feature a behind-the-scenes look with #pitchwars volunteers! She’ll chat with the Founding Director/Mentee Liaison, Technical Director, Committee Advisor, Managing Director, and Mentor Liaison!

All the fun is happening on Youtube! Click on the image for the link.

Are you ready to enter? The submission post on the blog and site with the link to enter will open tonight, but you won’t receive an email notification because it’ll be turned off to support the traffic during the entry period. So if you’re entering Pitch Wars this year and when you’re ready, come by and enter before October 1 at 10PM Eastern Time.

In the weeks between when submissions close and mentees are announced, mentors will read through their submissions. They may request additional materials and ask follow-up questions via private email to help them make their decision. The mentors’ picks will be announced November 7 on the Pitch Wars blog. Everyone, chosen or not, will find out at that time by checking the posted list of selected mentees.

If you don’t know what Pitch Wars is or if you need submission information or the link to the bloghop where our mentors listed their wishlists on their sites, you can find it on the following links. Just click on the graphics below.

Pitch Wars 2020 Mentor Blog Hop


How to Prepare your 2019 Pitch Wars Submission

Pitch Wars Submissions FAQ


Categories: Pitch Wars

1 Comment

BobDCosta · September 26, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Waiting for the excitement to begin..!!

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