Tons of work goes on behind the scenes to bring you Pitch Wars each year, and even though 2020 has been difficult so far, we’re looking forward to the distraction. There’s been a lot of pain this year, but we also have hope for better times. We all aren’t equal until Black lives matter. We at Pitch Wars wholly believe this, and you should as well.

Pitch Wars has had many successes with mentees making agent matches, snagging publishing deals, and receiving awards. We couldn’t do this without the generosity of our mentors who dedicate their time and knowledge to our community.

First, let me introduce you to Sonia Hartl, our Managing Director this year. Sonia has been a part of the Pitch Wars family since 2013. Check out Sonia’s page here to learn more about her.

A message from Sonia:

Huge thank you to everyone who applied to be a mentor this year! We were blown away by the talent and compassion of everyone who applied. If you weren’t invited to mentor this year it’s not a reflection on you at all, and we absolutely welcome all of you to apply next year. We appreciate the time and expertise you were willing to share with a new class of mentees.

I couldn’t be more thrilled with our 2020 mentors! The experience and generosity they are bringing to the table is sure to make this an incredible year.

Many talented industry professionals applied to mentor in Pitch Wars 2020 that it was an extremely difficult task to pick our mentoring team this year. Our selection committee worked hard to choose a team they feel represents our community and offers an acceptable range of genres in each of the categories we accept for the program. After each Pitch Wars event, our committee will evaluate our program and make changes as they feel are needed.

Don’t know what Pitch Wars is? Peruse our site and learn more about our mentoring program. You could start HERE.

To learn more about each mentor, check out their bios on our site. We also have a twitter list of all the mentors here.

Mentor wishlists will go live on September 12. Please review the wishlists to help you decide which four mentors you will submit an application to when the entry window opens on September 27.

AND COME BACK TOMORROW to enter our critique workshop giveaway. Our current and past mentors will be giving away query and first page critique packages for our workshop. I’ll have more details in my post tomorrow.

I’m sure you all are excited to meet the 2020 Pitch Wars mentors, so without further delay, here they are!


Adult Mentors

Alex Segura and M. J. Soni
Anna Kaling
Anne Raven and Janet Walden-West
Charish Reid and Denise Williams
Clay Harmon
Cole Nagamatsu and Sequoia Nagamatsu
Cynthia (Cina) Pelayo
Damyanti Biswas
Denny S. Bryce and L. Penelope
Elizabeth Little
Farah Heron and Roselle Lim
Gia de Cadenet
Gladys Qin
Gwynne Jackson
Heather Van Fleet and Jessica Calla
Hudson Lin
Ian Barnes
Jake Nicholls
Kalyn Josephson and Kat Enright
Keena Roberts
Kelly Siskind
Kristen Lepionka and Ernie Chiara
Layne Fargo and Halley Sutton
Lyn Liao Butler
Maria Heater
Mary Ann Marlowe
Matthew Quinn Martin
Mia P. Manansala and Kellye Garrett
Mia Sosa and Adriana Herrera
Michael Mammay and A.R. Lucas
Morgan Rogers
N.E. Davenport
Nicole Glover
Paris Wynters
P. J. Vernon and Kelly J. Ford
Rachel Howzell Hall
Rachel Lynn Solomon
Ren Hutchings
Rob Hart
Rochelle Karina
Roma Panganiban
Ruby Barrett and Rosie Danan
Samantha Rajaram
Sarah Remy
Sonia Hartl and Annette Christie
Stephen Morgan
Taj McCoy
Tanen Jones


Young Adult Mentors

Abigail Johnson
Aiden Thomas
Amanda Panitch
Amelia Diane Coombs and Sophie Gonzales
Andrea Contos
Anna Sortino
Aty S. Behsam
Auriane Desombre and Susan Lee
Ava Reid and Allison Saft
Ayana Gray and Maiya Ibrahim
Bethany Mangle
Carrie S. Allen and Sabrina Lotfi
Ciannon Smart
Dawn Ius and April Snellings
Deborah Falaye
Emery Lee
Emily K. Thiede
Gabriela Martins and Adiba Jaigirdar
Grace Li and Rebecca Mix
Hoda Agharazi
J.Elle and Emily Golden
Jamie Howard
Jennieke Cohen
Kat Dunn and Daphne Lao Tonge
Kimberly Gabriel and Kara McDowell
Kit Frick and Carlyn Greenwald
Kylie Schachte
Lane Clarke
Laurie Dennison
Liz Lawson and Dante Medema
Lyndsay Ely
Margie Fuston
Meg Long and Xiran Jay Zhao
Michaela Greer
Nova McBee
Rachel Griffin
Rona Wang
Sandra Proudman and Shannon A. Thompson
Sarah Dass
Sarvenaz Tash
Sasha Peyton Smith and Kristin Lambert
Sheena Boekweg and Alechia Dow
Sonora Reyes
ST Sterlings
Sunya Mara
Tash McAdam
Tashie Bhuiyan and Chloe Gong
Zach Hines


Middle Grade Mentors

Adrianna Cuevas and Sarah Kapit
Chad Lucas
Darlene P. Campos
Eric Bell
Erin Entrada Kelly
Gail D. Villanueva
George Jreije and Long-Quan Nguyen
Jessica Vitalis and Julie Artz
K.C. Held and Shana Targosz
Kim Long and Jennifer L. Brown
Lisa Moore Ramee
Rajani LaRocca and Remy Lai
Rebecca Petruck
Reese Eschmann and Christina Li
Rochelle Hassan
Shakirah Bourne
Sofiya Pasternack
Sylvia Liu
TJ Ohler


Categories: Pitch Wars


M. Evalyne · August 10, 2020 at 8:27 am

Congratulations to everyone!!

Missie Matt · August 10, 2020 at 8:42 am

This us such a great program you offer. I just thought it was tweeting a pitch to agents. I didn’t know there was more to it.


    Brenda Drake · August 10, 2020 at 9:47 am

    This is our mentorship program. We also have #PitMad that is held quarterly which is tweeting a pitch for agents and editors. So Pitch Wars and #PitMad are separate events.

LN Loft · September 11, 2020 at 2:31 pm

Thanks for all of this. Just curious, where can we find the mentors’ wishlists? On their bios I just see the books they’ve written and books they like. Thanks.

    Brenda Drake · September 11, 2020 at 8:29 pm

    They’re going live 9/12 on this blog, so look for the post.

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