September starts tomorrow and it’s going to be a big month for our programs for writers. 

We will host #PitMad on Thursday, September 3, and later in the month, we will open to Pitch Wars submissions on Sunday, September 27. 

So what does that mean? Which program is for you? Can you do both? Should you do both? Let’s break it down… 

What are #PitMad and Pitch Wars?

Both are programs we host for writers. 

#PitMad is… 

– A one-day Twitter pitch event

– Authors pitch their completed, unpublished, MS’s on Twitter following our #PitMad rules

– Agents & editors may request authors send more material via a “like” on Twitter

Read more about #PitMad

Pitch Wars is…

– A mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each to mentor. 

– Mentors read the entire manuscript and offer suggestions on how to make the manuscript shine for the agent showcase. 

– The mentor also helps edit their mentee’s pitch for the contest and their query letter for submitting to agents. 

– The mentorship program culminates in an agent showcase where mentees share their pitch and first page. 

– Agents may request authors send more material through the showcase website

Read more about #PitchWars

Still confused about the difference between #PitMad and Pitch Wars? 

Check out this video from our #PitchWars agent liaison Sarah Nicolas. 

Which program is right for me?

While, eventually, both programs showcase writers’ work to agents, the goals of our two programs are different. 

If you’re confident that your completed, polished, unpublished MS is the best you can make it and you are looking for an agent or to work with a small press, #PitMad may be the path for you! #PitMad will allow agents and editors to see more of your work directly. 

If you’re looking for guidance on your completed, polished, unpublished MS, and are eager to revise it further, Pitch Wars may make more sense for you. Pitch Wars mentees will work directly with a mentor for several months before putting their work in front of agents for consideration. 

Do you fall somewhere in the middle of those two paths? You know your work is the best you can make it on your own, you’re ready to query, but at the same time, you’d be happy to get feedback from a more experienced publishing professional and continue to work on it? Well then, you may be open to both options. 

What happens if I try both? 

There are tons of paths to publication, and either program, or a combination, may be steps on your path, or they may not, and that’s okay. These are just possible paths to follow and querying is still the industry standard. 

Paths to publishing:

Say you decide you’re ready to pitch in #PitMad on September 3. Great! You might get requests, you might not. 

What happens if I get requests during #PitMad

First, congrats!

Second, do your research. You’ll want to make sure the requesting agent or editor is someone you think could be a good fit for you and your work. If you think they may be, go ahead and submit per their request guidelines. If you don’t think they’d be the right match for your career, no need to send materials. 

What if agents/editors are still considering my work when the Pitch Wars sub window opens on 9/27? 

Many writers apply to Pitch Wars with queries or materials outstanding, and that’s okay. Some mentors may ask when they request materials about the project’s query and contest history, please answer honestly. 

If you are selected as a Pitch Wars mentee, you will be asked to withdraw any outstanding materials from agents or editors in order to work on them with your mentor. Industry professionals are usually very supportive of this, and happy to wait for the revised project. 

What if I have materials out with agents when I apply to #PitchWars, and get an offer of rep during the waiting period? 

First, congrats! Pitch Wars is for authors who are seeking agents, if your path to publication has already led you to an agent, we are thrilled for you!

Then, please email to let the team know that you have received an offer of representation and will be withdrawing your submission. 

What if I skip #PitMad, and don’t get into Pitch Wars?

It could happen! Pitch Wars is highly competitive. But, never fear, the next #PitMad will  take place on December 3. 

There are lots of paths available for you to explore! We hope this helps you pick the one that feels right to you at this stage of your career. 

Categories: PitMad


Nancy Ferguson · September 2, 2020 at 11:51 am

Thank you for this clear explanation.

Bev · September 3, 2020 at 11:17 am

Hi, So, I have an agent but there are some projects she is not interested in representing. Is it possible to pitch these projects in pitchmad as #editors only?

    Brenda Drake · September 4, 2020 at 10:24 am

    Sorry we missed answering this question. For future reference, you may do that if your agent agrees to it and add whatever you like to your pitch, but we will not be adding a hashtag for it on our instruction post. I hope you got your answer during the event by asking @PitchWars on Twitter.

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