Hey there!

If you’ve participated in Pitch Wars, we’d like your help.

We all have those “I wish I knew that when…” moments. Well, here’s your chance to share yours. Last year, thanks to the tireless efforts of Ernie Chiara (awesome idea, and dude, you rock!), we hosted a Pitch Wars Advice Blog Hop and we’re doing it again for 2020!

What does that mean, and how can you participate? 

We’re glad you asked!

How does this work?

If you’d like to participate, complete this form and let us know you’re interested. We’ll send you a quick guide for creating your post and how to ensure it’s included in the blog hop.

Any time between signing up and the blog hop submission deadline of September 12, you create your blog post—you can set it to go live immediately, or hold it for the blog hop launch date of September 25 (right before the submission window opens).

Then follow the instructions in the guide—they’ll include a link where you can fill in your info, like name, social media links, link to your blog hop post, etc.

That’s it.

What do I write about?

Pitch Wars Prep is all about preparing yourself for the work ahead, but you can write about anything you think someone should know when they’re considering entering Pitch Wars.

Talk about what you should expect from the Pitch Wars experience. What positive things you can take away from it—even if you are not selected. 

Pitch Wars is just one event, one possible step along the writing path. And everyone’s path is different. One of the biggest strengths of Pitch Wars is the community—writers helping other writers to learn, grow, and find their own paths.

Who can participate?

Anyone who has been a part of Pitch Wars.

And then what?

Once we have all the blog hop links, we’ll create a big post showcasing all of them (check out last year’s). That post will go live on the Pitch Wars blog on September 25.

Got questions? Need more info? Want to participate? Drop us an email!

Sign up for the Pitch Wars Advice Blog Hop

And a massive thank you to Ernie for updating that cool graphic!

Categories: Uncategorized


kate · May 26, 2020 at 5:27 pm

I am a bit confused — I do want to make a suggestion based on my experience but don’t want create a blog. Is there a way to just send a comment? Thx!

    Rochelle Karina · May 26, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    Hey there! Sorry for the confusion and thanks for asking!
    We absolutely will take comments to the Blog Hop post, and there will be opportunities later to share your thoughts in some Q&A style blog posts. Keep watch for updates. Pitch Wars Prep notes will be running periodically up until the date mentees are announced.

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