The Agent Showcase is here! Make sure to scroll down for some exciting news!!

First, I want to thank all the mentors and committee members for volunteering and making Pitch Wars 2019 amazing this season. Without their hard work and generosity, this event couldn’t happen. How can you show your appreciation to our volunteers, you ask? BUY THEIR BOOKS! Seriously, I’ve read a huge amount of them, and I’m sure you can find one or a few or a dozen or more you’d love.

For those who don’t know what Pitch Wars is, it’s a mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each to mentor. Mentors read the entire manuscript and offer suggestions on how to make the manuscript shine for the Agent Showcase. The mentor also helps edit their mentee’s pitch for the showcase and their query letter for submitting to agents. Mentors can participate solo or pair up and co-mentor.

During the Agent Showcase, each mentee is featured on a post that includes their pitch and the first page of their manuscript. Last year, we had over a hundred agents participate in the showcase. Participating agents view the posts and make requests. Over the past eight years, Pitch Wars has changed many lives. Countless authors have been matched with agents and even gone on to book deals and successful careers. We’re well over 300 successes since I started the event in 2012! But most importantly, Pitch Wars has grown into a writing community that connects authors with other authors, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie as we go through all the various stages in our publishing journeys.

The entries for the 2019 Pitch Wars mentees are now live on the showcase site here:

The agent request comments will be hidden, which means you won’t see requests until the showcase has ended. This is to reduce stress on both our mentees and our agents.

Here is the showcase schedule …

  • February 5: Adult entries go live at 12:01 am ET
  • February 6: MG entries go live at 12:01 am ET
  • February 7: YA entries go live at 12:01 am ET
  • February 10: Showcase ends at 11:59 pm ET
  • February 11: All agent requests are made visible.


Now, for some other news. With the end of the showcase, there will be a changing of the guard so to speak. 

Sarah Nicolas

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Sarah Nicolas for managing this year. It takes A LOT of hours, day in and day out. to manage Pitch Wars in the months prior to the showcase–choosing mentors, getting the mentee submission applications ready, vetting manuscripts, the agent showcase, and all the questions and issues that come up before, during, and between. Sarah has done such an amazing job! We are so lucky to have had them manage the 2019 event. Love you tons, Sarah, for all your hard work and volunteering your time so generously! (Of course, they aren’t going anywhere, since they’re on the committee. Thank goodness!)

You can find Sarah online:
Website  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Goodreads

Sonia Hartl

Now, I’d like to introduce you to our 2020 Managing Director, Sonia Hartl. Sonia has worked behind the scenes as our Communications Director since 2018 and has always been so on top of things. She’s takes care and puts her heart into everything she does. We know she will do a spectacular job managing Pitch Wars, and we hope you’ll take the time to congratulate and thank her for volunteering.

You can find Sonia online:
Website  |  Twitter

Both Sarah and Sonia have something to say, so I’ll turn it over to them …

From our 2019 Managing Director, Sarah Nicolas …

It’s been such an honor serving as Managing Director this year. I was so lucky to follow in Kellye’s footsteps because she laid so much of the groundwork that made managing Pitch Wars a lot easier this year. With such a wonderful team in place (Juliana Brandt and Kellye Garrett as Mentor Liaisons, Pintip Dunn as Mentee Liaison, Sonia as Communications Director, Gail D. Villaneuva as Technology Director (taking care of the website and forms), Rachel Lynn Solomon as Agent Liaison, Leigh Mar as Social Media Director, Brenda Drake guiding us all, as well as our wonderful advisers and blog team), I feel like I was almost superfluous. All of the credit goes to them.

I love Pitch Wars and believe in its mission of helping writers, so I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be on the committee and working in an as-yet-undetermined capacity going forward. Thank you for trusting us and for continuing to participate in our wonderful community. Now I’m going to go figure out where Poe Warburton (our PW mascot, the owl) is with that mojito.

From our incoming Managing Director, Sonia Hartl …

I’m incredibly thrilled and honored to be stepping into the role of managing director! I can’t thank Brenda, Kellye, and Sarah enough for their guidance over the past year. They have done such amazing things with the Pitch Wars program, and I only hope I can lead with the same compassion, wisdom, and passion the three of them possess.

Pitch Wars has been part of my life since I was a mentee in 2013. In 2015 I became a mentor, and in 2018 I became the communications director. A huge thank you to the committee for trusting me with this responsibility and I’m excited to continue working with Brenda, Kellye, and Sarah.

I love the Pitch Wars community, I love what it represents, and I’m so looking forward to the coming year.



Categories: Pitch Wars


PJ Colando · February 11, 2020 at 6:44 pm

I have a contemporary women’s fiction manuscript ready at 78,500 words. Desire a mentor – am I too late for 2020 program?

Robyn Michaels · March 1, 2020 at 12:11 pm

is there a link to Pitch War 2020?

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