When we had to cancel the Pitch Wars query and first page workshops this year, I was sad.  So I asked our 2018 and past mentors if they’d be up to doing a critique giveaway in its place. Many jumped in, and I’m thrilled to announce our 2018 Pitch Wars Mentor Critique Giveaway. All you have to do to enter is fill out the following form. Scroll down to see what mentors are participating and what they’re offering.

The window to enter the giveaway is now and until August 10 at 9AM EST.  Once I pull names, I’ll email the winners. You’ll have 24 hours to send in your critique. Mentors will return the critiques to you by August 22. If there is time, I might post a few of the critiques to the blog so everyone can learn from them. There will be a spot where you can choose whether you want yours posted or not. No names, titles, or other personal information will be included in the posts.

That’s not all! To show my appreciation to our wonderful mentors, I’m giving away a mentor book to five lucky winners. This giveaway is open to everyone. All you have to do is search each mentor and pick one of their books you’d like to read. It can be in any format (hardcover, paperback, or eBook) and it can also be a pre-order book. Then come back here and enter the book you’ve chosen into the following Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Co-mentors, Adrianna Cuevas and Arianne Costner, are offering a middle grade query and a middle grade first page critique.



Past mentor, Brenda Drake (me),  is offering a middle grade query and a middle grade first page critique.



2018 mentor, Brittney Morris, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



2018 mentor, Diana Hicks, is offering an adult/new adult query and an adult/new adult first page critique.



Past mentor, Emily Colin, is offering a young adult first page and an adult/new adult first page critique.



Past mentor, Emma Wicker, is offering five adult/new adult first page critiques.




Past mentor, Heather Cashman, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



2018 Co-mentors, Heather Van Fleet and Lana Sloan, are offering an adult/new adult query critique.



Past mentor, Helene Dunbar, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



2018 mentor, Hoda Agharazi, is offering a young adult query critique.




2018 mentor, Jamie Pacton, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



Past mentor, Jeanmarie Anaya, is offering a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Kate Karyus Quinn, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



2018 Co-mentors, Kay L. McCray and Andrea Contos, are offering two young adult query with first page critiques.



Past mentor, Kes Trester, is offering a young adult query critique.




Past mentor, Kip Wilson, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Kristin Smith, is offering a young adult query critique.




 2018 mentor, Laura Brown, is offering an adult/new adult query and an adult/new adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Laurie Elizabeth Flynn, is offering a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Leah Mar, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Lindsey Frydman, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Lisa Amowitz, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



Past mentor, Maggie E. Hall, is offering a young adult query critique.




Past mentor, Mara Rutherford, is offering a young adult query critique.




Past mentor, Miriam Spitzer Franklin, is offering a middle grade first page critique.




2018 mentor, Rajani LaRocca, is offering a middle grade query critique.




2018 mentor, Rebecca Enzor, is offering an adult/new adult query or synopsis critique.




Past mentor, Rebecca Yarros, is offering a young adult query, a young adult first page, and adult/new adult query, and an adult/new adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Remy Lai, is offering a middle grade query and a middle grade first page critique.




2018 mentor, Sabrina Kleckner, is offering a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Summer Spence, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Tara Creel, is offering a middle grade query and a middle grade first page critique.




2018 mentor, Victoria Lee, is offering a young adult query, a young adult first page, an adult/new adult query, and an adult/ new adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Kim Long, is offering a middle grade query, a middle grade first page, a young adult query, a young adult first page, an adult/new adult query, and an adult/ new adult first page critique.



Past mentor, Aimee L. Salter, is offering two young adult first page critiques.





We’ve had such a great response to this giveaway that several more mentors jumped in to offer critiques and we love them for doing it!  The following are newly added critiques as of August 7 …

2018 mentor, Layne Fargo, is offering an adult/new adult query and an adult/new adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Kelly Ann Hopkins, is offering a young adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Carolyne Topdjian, is offering and adult/new adult query critique.




Rachel Lynn Solomon

2018 mentor, Rachel Lynn Solomon, is offering a young adult query critique.




2018 mentor, Mary Ann Marlowe, is offering an adult/new adult query and an adult/new adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Emily Wheeler, is offering a young adult first page and an adult/new adult first page critique.




2018 co-mentors, RuthAnne Snow and Destiny Cole are offering  a young adult query critique.




2018 mentor, Chelsea Hensley, is offering a young adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Gail Nall, is offering a middle grade query critique.





Past mentor, Jenny Lundquist, is offering a middle grade first page critique.




2018 mentor, Annette Christie, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




2018 co-mentors, Lacee Little and Juliana L. Brandt, are offering a middle grade first page critique.




2018 mentor, Gabrielle K Byrne, is offering a middle grade query and a middle grade first page critique.




2018 co-mentors, Alexa Martin and Suzanne Park, are offering and adult/new adult first page critique.




Past mentor, Katherine Fleet, is offering a young adult query critique.





Past mentor, Gracie West, is offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Léonie Kelsall, is offering a middle grade query, a middle grade first page, a young adult query, and a young adult first page critique.





Past co-mentors, Diana Gallagher and Katrina Emmel, are offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.





2018 co-mentors, Renée A. Price and Alex Reda, are offering a young adult query and a young adult first page critique.



2018 mentor, Shari Schwarz, is offering an adult/new adult query and an adult/new adult first page critique.




2018 mentor, Stephen Morgan, is offering





Good luck, everyone, and thank you mentors for donating your time!



Theresa Milstein · August 6, 2018 at 12:43 pm

I have been astounded at the generosity of the Pitch Wars community. Thank you.

Martha McKiever · August 6, 2018 at 6:13 pm

Thank you for this great opportunity!

Martha McKiever · August 6, 2018 at 6:15 pm

Thanks mentors, for volunteering your time and experience!

Susan Thumm Paxton · August 6, 2018 at 6:20 pm

Pitch Wars mentors are awesome! This is such an extraordinary gift to writers. Thanks so much!

Mandy Nygren · August 6, 2018 at 7:20 pm

Thank you so much!!! This is so AWESOME!

Amanda Buxton · August 7, 2018 at 7:38 am

What an exciting opportunity!

Maureen Morrison · August 7, 2018 at 11:24 am

The generosity of time, and the support I see from mentor to mentor. This type of lovefest is exactly what I need today.

Ben · August 7, 2018 at 11:57 am

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know if we can submit a narrative-nonfiction/memoir for this? I know occasionally mentors were willing to accept this genre in the general the Pitch Wars competition. Wasn’t sure if this applied here as well.

Please let me know. Thanks so much in advance.

    Brenda Drake · August 8, 2018 at 10:36 am

    Memoirs are accepted since it’s written like fiction. We don’t accept non-fiction works. Good luck!

      Ben · August 8, 2018 at 12:00 pm

      Thank you so much for letting me know Brenda! Much appreciated.

Stacy Nockowitz · August 7, 2018 at 7:34 pm

Wow! Thanks for helping to make Pitch Wars such a great experience!

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