Manuscript Status: 1 Week Delivery

Mentor Name: Jenni L. Walsh

Mentee Name: Christine Adler


Category: Adult

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 80,000 words


19th-Century Paris. When real-life figure Lise Tréhot sits for artist Auguste Renoir, she feels alive. But his betrayal forces her to decide between remaining his secret lover and muse or having the family she’s always desired.


Mindful of the soft autumn pears on the bottom, Lise tucked a loaf of bread into her basket. Rain began to fall. She dropped coins into the merchant’s hand and pulled her shawl around her shoulders. Closing the basket lid and turning toward home, she slowed her steps despite the weather. Her father would be there, grumbling over his business troubles.

Outside the millinery, Lise glimpsed the wavy, blond hair of the boy who’d banished her familial worries all summer. Longing for the warmth of Serge’s hand on her skin, his breath tickling her ear, she walked briskly toward him.


Lise ignored the gasps and turning heads, bystanders likely appalled that a seventeen-year-old would holler to a boy on the street. If her elder sister were here, she’d also disapprove.

“Lise!” Clémence would say. “That is not how a young lady behaves.”

Lise smirked and quickened her pace, her heels clicking against the stones of the new boulevard Serge had helped widen. His hungry eyes were on her now, his lips curled into a smile, and she grew giddy at the thought of those lips on hers. She wasn’t the only girl who’d pined for Serge’s attention, yet, weeks ago, he’d chosen her.

“That young man isn’t a proper suitor for you, sister,” Clémence would add. “He’s beneath you—and you know it.”

Lise ignored her sister’s voice in her head. Yes, Serge was a laborer, completely unlike Clémence’s Jules, a former architect and solidly bourgeois. But Lise didn’t care, and Serge’s station didn’t stop her from seeing him, unchaperoned, in secret.

Categories: PW Entries


Jessica Watterson · November 1, 2017 at 1:31 pm

Want! Please send full and synopsis to: w #pitchwars in subject!

Aimee Ashcraft · November 1, 2017 at 1:36 pm

Really enjoyed this pitch and would love to read more. Could you send the full manuscript in Word format to, with #PitchWars as the subject? Thanks a lot!

Heather Flaherty · November 1, 2017 at 2:24 pm

Hi Christine! This sounds wonderful, I would love to see more!

Please send:
– Query + 10 pages pasted in the body of the email
– Attach FULL ms as well
– with subject line: PW ADULT + Title


Thank you so much!

Heather Flaherty (The Bent Agency)

Ann Leslie Tuttle · November 1, 2017 at 9:51 pm

I would love to read this. Please send the complete to me at The manuscript sounds wonderful, and I can’t wait to read it. Thank you.

Suzie Townsend · November 1, 2017 at 11:49 pm

This sounds so amazing! I love the concept and your writing — I would love to read the full ms! Please send the full manuscript to attached as a Word document with the query in the first page of the document. Put “PITCH WARS” in the subject. Please also include a dreaded synopsis if you have one. Thank you! Can’t wit to read!

Andrea Cascardi · November 3, 2017 at 12:18 pm

Hi, I’m a bit late to the Pitch Wars party but I would love to see this. Please can you send the full manuscript as a Word or PDF attachment to me, and put Pitch Wars Request in the subject line.

Thank you!

Katie Shea Boutillier · November 3, 2017 at 12:51 pm

Would love to see this! Please send first 50 pages in word doc to with “PITCH WARS ADULT” in the subject line. Looking forward to reading! Always, Katie

Jaida Temperly · November 3, 2017 at 6:36 pm

This sounds fantastic — I would love to read! Please send the full manuscript as a Word document with the query pasted on the first page to Please also include a one page synopsis if available. Looking forward to reading!

Victoria Cappello · November 9, 2017 at 12:39 pm

I’d love to read more! Please send the full MS, along with the query letter to Please put “Pitch Wars” in the subject line.

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