Manuscript Status: 2 weeks delivery

Mentor Name: Kelly Siskind & J.R. Yates

Mentee Name: Julia Miller


Category: Adult

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Word Count: 77,000 words


There are three things Samantha can’t resist: cheesecake, the thrill of pursuing a hot lead, and her Editor-in-Chief/ex-boyfriend, Tor Mackelroy. When charity scholarship funds go missing, Tor lures Sam back for one last byline. Soon the couple’s old flame blazes into wildfire. But their happily-ever-after hangs in the balance when Tor’s dad becomes the prime suspect. THE HATING GAME meets the 1940’s film HIS GIRL FRIDAY.


It started with the postcards.

According to my imaginary manual on break-up etiquette, it was standard for the guilty party to text something offensive to the betrayed and end up blocked for good. It made for a nice clean break.

My friend Rachel’s ex had shown up at our apartment so she could slam the door in his face. So satisfying. Considerate, really.

In my case, I’d have liked a final blowout phone argument, during which I said my piece and hit End like a cheap mic drop. That would have been proper procedure.

But Tor Mackelroy didn’t play by the rules.

Of course not. He had to be different.

So after a month, he started with the postcards. None of them came with apologies and he didn’t bother denying his cheating ways. That would have been too easy. Instead he’d Photoshopped pictures of our turtle traveling around the world, printed them on postcards, and sent them by snail mail.

Mr. Davis was the collateral damage in this war.

Yes, it was true. My turtle, Mr. Davis, was still living with my ex. In his office. Not even a proper home-home! I never forgave myself for leaving him there.

Tor’s shoddy graphic design skills had sent Mr. Davis to the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu and Roseanna’s seafood restaurant on the Oregon coast. The poor guy looked miserable the entire time.

Categories: PW Entries


Michelle Richter · November 1, 2017 at 1:17 pm

Fun voice! Please send your query and first 50 pages to me at Don’t forget to include PitchWars in the subject line 🙂

Saba Sulaiman · November 1, 2017 at 1:19 pm

Hi Julia,
This is so great and I’d love to read more! Please send a query, synopsis, and the first fifty pages (Word documents will suffice) to — and don’t forget to mention #PitchWars in your subject line. Thanks—looking forward to my read!
Good luck,

Caitie Flum · November 1, 2017 at 1:42 pm

This looks great! I’d love to take a look.

Please send the query in the body of the email + full manuscript as a Word attachment to with “Pitch Wars request” in the subject.

Kimberly Brower · November 1, 2017 at 1:49 pm

Please send me the full manuscript and a summary (spoilers ok!) in Word format to For the subject line, please write PITCH WARS: Title Name. Can’t wait to read!

Laura Zats · November 1, 2017 at 2:22 pm

Hi Julia,

I love this! Please send the query in the body of an email with the MS attached to Please mention Pitch Wars in the subject line!


Patricia Nelson · November 1, 2017 at 2:39 pm

Fantastic voice, and I’ve been very much in the mood for a fun romcom lately! I’d love to read more. Please send a query (in the body of the email) along with the full manuscript as a Word doc attachment, subject line “Pitch Wars: [Your Title]” to

Thanks, and looking forward to reading!

Jessica Watterson · November 1, 2017 at 11:16 pm

I would like to see this! Please send the full, synopsis and query to Thanks!

Whitley Abell · November 1, 2017 at 11:37 pm

I’d love to see more! Please submit your query, synopsis, and first 50 pages to I can’t wait to dive in!

Suzie Townsend · November 2, 2017 at 12:00 am

This sounds so amazing! The voice has me hooked — I would love to read the full ms! Please send the full manuscript to attached as a Word document with the query in the first page of the document. Put “PITCH WARS” in the subject. Please also include a dreaded synopsis if you have one. Thank you! Can’t wait to read!

Erica Bauman · November 2, 2017 at 4:13 am

I’d love to see this! Please send a query and the full manuscript to, and use “Pitch Wars” in the subject line.



Lynnette Novak · November 3, 2017 at 9:22 pm

Wow! The VOICE!!! I LOVE it!!! And the bit about the turtle is hilarious!

Please send the full manuscript to, attached as a Word document with the query as the first page. Put “Pitch Wars” and your title in the subject line. Please also include a brief synopsis as a separate document. Thanks! Can’t wait to read!

Lynnette Novak
The Seymour Agency

Ella Marie Shupe · November 5, 2017 at 3:15 pm

Hi Julia,
The story of Samantha and Tor is appealing. Please send the first three chapters as an attachment in addition to your query letter to Please add Pitch Wars to the subject line. Thanks.
Ella Marie Shupe
Belcastro Agency

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