Ice Cream Cones


Age Category: Middle Grade

Genre: Fantasy

Word Count: 30,000


Of all the rules a princess must follow, Cordelia detested number ten the most: Wait patiently for your prince to rescue you. When he doesn’t show, she dares rescue herself. But someone plots her failure.

First 250 Word of Manuscript:

You’d think being a princess was easy, but it’s harder than you think. It sounds dramatic, but I promise it’s not.

There are many rules for princesses and not all of them are easy to follow. It started when the Queen of Winder had a baby girl and took it upon herself (in dictation to the royal scribe) to document all things princess related and her personal opinion of them. A rulebook, which she named, Princess Etiquette. There’s a grand total of twenty-four. Her plan is for every princess to read the book and follow the rules…her rules.

It’s facing rule ten that I, Cordelia, Princess of Winder, detest the most. Yes, I’m that Queen’s daughter. Talk about having to live up to high expectations.

What is rule ten you ask? Wait patiently for your prince to rescue you.

And it’s going to get much worse.

First, I have to worry about surviving my combined birthday-farewell ball tonight. I shudder, thinking of what’s to come as I stand at my bedroom window clutching my favorite book, Pirate Peppercorn versus Gripple the Griffin, as a late summer storm rages outside. Slanted rain patters against the glass as blustering wind swirls, ripping leaves from the trees while flowers cling helplessly to the ground. Thunder rolls and rumbles. A flash of light bursts, crackling in the evening sky.

“Cordelia!” Mother’s high-pitched voice calls from across the room.

I spin to face her. She grimaces with her hands planted on her hips and impatiently taps her foot.


Categories: Pitch Madness

1 Comment

Kari Sutherland · March 16, 2017 at 6:16 pm

Love the voice! Can I have a Candy Castle for this spunky princess, please? (Please send a query/synopsis and full ms to:

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