Manuscript Delivery: Finished

Mentor: Kelly Siskind
Mentee: Meghan Scott Molin
Category: Adult
Genre:  Commercial Fiction
Word Count: 91,000


MG’s world revolves around geek culture, designing for drag shows, and writing comic books. A rash of copy-cat crimes from her favorite series disturbs the peace, bringing with them handsome Matteo Kildaire, LAPD, who needs her expertise. When MG learns she’s being framed, sleuthing on her own will either exonerate her or land her in the clink.


Instead of finalizing his coffee order, the shmo ahead of me in line is reading on his iPad, the headline “Mystery Drug Bust at Docks” splashed across the screen. While I can’t fault him for being sucked in, if we don’t hurry we’ll all get stuck on the 110 in lunchtime traffic, having to contemplate peeing into the cup. As irked as I am, I can’t help but look over his shoulder. I’d read about the drug bust this morning in my twitter feed, but I hadn’t seen a picture of the crime scene. It’s a doozy. Who doesn’t love when three street dealers are trussed together back-to-back on the Long Beach docks, left with a note for the police? Actually trussed together. Like a comic book.

“All that’s missing is a golden arrow,” I mutter, giving the picture one last look as the line shuffles forward. I dutifully shuffle straight into iPad Guy’s heels.

“What did you say?” He snaps the iPad closed.

Oh crap. iPad Guy looks at me with the typical “I disapprove of your purple hair” frown and completely ignores the counter girl yelling, “Next!” There’s a lull in the shush and hiss of the coffee-making orchestra that suggests they’re ready to make the next order.

“Nothing. Just that news story reminds me of a graphic novel. Are you ready to order?” I paste a smile on my face. I know better than to upset the muggles.


Categories: Pitch Wars


Caitie Flum · November 3, 2016 at 10:09 am

This sounds super fun! ’d love to take a look at the full manuscript. Please send it as a word attachment to querycaitie (at) lizadawson (dot) com with your query in the email, with the PitchWars request in the subject.


Melissa Edwards · November 3, 2016 at 12:01 pm

Hello again! I’d love to see the first 50 pp. Please email them as a double-spaced .doc with the title and PitchWars in the subject to

Margaret Bail · November 3, 2016 at 4:17 pm

This sounds great, but I wonder is it mystery? It sounds like mystery, which I totally want. Please send query letter, 1-2 page synopsis, and first 50 pages in body of email to margaret(at)inklingsliterary(dot)com. Be sure to put PITCH WARS in the subject line. Thanks! ~Margaret

Stacey Donaghy · November 3, 2016 at 11:26 pm

I absolutely love this premise! Please send the full manuscript as a word attachment to, place “Pitch Wars”- Title of story and genre in the subject line. Include your query in the body of the email. Looking forward to reading your story.

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