Molly Lee

Molly Lee

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Molly Lee is an author, editor, and mentor best known from Pitch Wars, a program that connects promising writers to established authors in the community. She writes NA contemporary and YA urban fantasy with strong heroines who are unafraid to challenge their male counterparts, yet still vulnerable enough to have love sneak up on them. Throw in high-octane action or any kind of supernatural element and she’ll be hooked. A military spouse with two children and one stubborn english bulldog, Molly enjoys watching storms from the back porch of her Midwest home and digging for treasures at local antique shops.


Edge of Chaos

Edge of Chaos

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Blake Caster has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with Justin for so long, she can’t tell what is normal anymore, and so she clings to the one thing that is solidly hers—her passion for extreme weather.

Three years into her Meteorology degree, Blake meets professional storm chaser, Dash Lexington, who is as gorgeous as he is daring. Instantly recognizing her passion and skills in analyzing weather data, he makes a spot for her on his tight-knit storm chasing team. Dash and Blake form a fast friendship and it forces her to realize just how toxic her relationship with Justin is. She can’t deny the lightning-worthy chemistry she has with Dash or how her heart stalls every time he gets too close to a tornado.

With each chase and the cherished moments with Dash, Blake discovers her own self-worth and gains the strength to end things with Justin for good. But he won’t go easily. As Blake tries to sever ties with one man, she fears she’ll lose the other to his dangerous obsession—and she doesn’t know if she’ll be enough to save him from the impending storm that could end them all.


Excerpt from Edge of Chaos . . .

The sky was light behind the dark-gray storm cloud, which made the green grass and red dirt below it seem more vibrant. Dash’s eyes fixated on the storm before us, their green shining with an intensity I now realized he only held when a storm was in sight.

“It’s got potential,” he said with a wicked grin on his face. “Maybe you’ll see one touch down today, Blake.”

I swallowed hard, both excited and scared of the prospect.

“I wish it was more organized,” John said, letting his camera hang against his chest.

“Me, too,” Dash said, pointing at the northeast portion of the wall cloud. “Look, there’s a little rotation.”

I focused on where he pointed and saw the slightest bit of movement within the cloud, shocked he’d spotted it so quickly. Nothing as extreme as last time, but I knew it would only take seconds for a tornado to develop out of a rotating wall cloud. My nerves stood on end waiting in eager anticipation.

A crack of lightning bolted from the sky and thunder rumbled a few seconds later. The wind speed around us increased, enough to whip my ponytail back and forth and spray our jeans with red dust. My heart rate spiked with the wind and an excited but terrified sensation shot throughout my body.

“Tighten up!” Dash hollered as if commanding the sky. His eyebrows were drawn as he watched the too-slow churning rotation in the cloud.

The light broken-wisps stemming from the edges of the cloud made me think it was losing steam, but I didn’t want to say anything to jinx it.

Chill bumps erupted across my arms, the air turning a few degrees colder. The excited and hopeful energy coursing between the four of us instantly deflated.

Cold air killed the chances for a tornado.

“Damn it,” Dash snapped, his shoulders dropping. “It’s fading.”

Paul booked it back to the Tracker Jacker and leaned over his laptop.

The wall cloud still hung low and was ominous enough with its dark broken sections looking like jagged claws reaching to tear up the earth, but it wouldn’t produce anything more than a thunderstorm. The sky rumbled once again as if to prove to us it held all the power. Lightning flashed several moments later, the wicked zigzag bolt striking only a few hundred yards away.

“Shit!” Paul yelled and slammed his fist on the hood of the Tracker Jacker.

“What?” John jogged over to him, took one look at the laptop screen, and dropped his head.

“Don’t tell me…” Dash’s eyes jumped back and forth between them.

“Yep,” Paul answered through clenched teeth.

“Damn it.” Dash jerked the camera to his side and stomped to his truck, shoving the camera in its case.

I walked slowly toward him, completely baffled.

He read my utterly confused face. “Where at, Paul?”

“Twenty-five miles east of here.” Paul shut his laptop with an audible click. “It’s weakening like crazy, though. No chance of catching it now, and there will probably only be scattered thunderstorms for the rest of the night.”

Dash sighed. All his previous intensity and excitement completely vanished. He looked at me, his eyes completely defeated. “Tornado touched down at the other location east of here. We missed it because I thought this cell’s chances of producing were higher.” He eyed the clouds behind me like they’d played a cruel trick on him and slid behind the wheel of his truck.

“You know where we’re headed,” Dash hollered at John before motioning for me to get in.

I gave the underdeveloped storm one last look and sank into the passenger seat. Dash spun the truck around and headed toward the highway. The energy was completely different from minutes ago, our spirits crashing from the high hopes we’d had to capture the storm. The sensation was sickening, knowing a tornado had touched down so close and we’d missed it, knowing the last two chases had technically been busts. The sheer disappointment resembled how I’d felt the day I’d given up my dream of going to the University of Tulsa and went home with Justin instead.

And this was only my second chase. I couldn’t imagine how Dash felt, who did this regularly throughout the season.

“Sorry, Dash,” I said, even though I knew it wouldn’t help.

He shrugged. “It’s part of it. Sometimes you get lucky, others not. I should’ve had you look at the images before we chose a location. I won’t make that mistake again. You probably would’ve told us to go to the other site.”

“Maybe not. It really looked like it would tighten up there for a second.”

He smiled. “You’re starting to sound like me.”

“When it comes to storms, you’re the expert, so I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should.”

“Where are we headed now?”

“The only place that can make a bust better.”



Winner receives a signed paperback copy of Edge of Chaos, United States only.

Make a comment to enter. After 24 hours, Molly will contact the winner.

(Winner chosen using via the comments.)

Categories: Books


Joy · August 22, 2016 at 11:40 am

I live in Canada so I know I’m not eligible to win the giveaway, but I had to say I LOVE the cover and the story sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to read this book!

Brianna Lespinasse · August 22, 2016 at 11:57 am

This sounds great. Can’t wait to read it!

Aastha Khanna · August 22, 2016 at 2:11 pm

Hey Molly!

Edge Of Chaos sounds so interesting. Would love to have it.

Sara Mariah · August 22, 2016 at 6:31 pm

Eek! I’ve got this book on my shelf already and it was pretty freakin’ amazeballs! I definitely recommend it! <3

Michelle Joyce Bond · August 22, 2016 at 7:49 pm

Sounds like an exciting romance, and that cover is hawt! Will definitely check this one out. 🙂

Marilyn · August 22, 2016 at 8:00 pm

Sounds like a great read.

Julie Walters · August 22, 2016 at 10:22 pm

My son wants to be a storm chaser! Your book sounds extremely exciting!

Candace Davenport · August 23, 2016 at 9:46 am

Cool premise. Glad someone is writing about emotional abuse!

Hannah Perry · August 23, 2016 at 7:36 pm

Storm chasers, yeah! I am beyond fascinated by the occupation, and I haven’t read a book like this yet. Looking forward to it.

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