Diana Gardin

Diana Gardin

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Diana Gardin is a Virginia girl living In South Carolina, and her beloved home in the South is the backdrop for all of her novels. She adores writing about Southern girls and boys finding their way in and out of love. Diana is married to the love of my life, and they have two fabulous/crazy children. Now that she’s a stay-at-home-mom and has recently added author to her list of things to do, Diana is busy ALL THE TIME!

Diana Gardin is the hybrid author of nine novels, including the most recent Battle Scars series. Her first Romantic Suspense series, Night Eagle Security, is due for release in Spring of 2017.



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The best rules are the ones worth breaking . . .

After his mother’s funeral, ex-Army Ranger Drake Sullivan wants only to disappear and drown his sorrows in whiskey. Then he sees her: Mea Jones. An untamed, sexy-as-hell whirlwind of energy. A few years ago, she showed him the best-and hottest-night of his life, then walked away without a backward glance. But he’s never stopped wanting more.

When it comes to guys, Mea has rules. One night. No dating. Whatever it takes to have control and keep it. With Drake, it’s all heat and hurt and hunger, and pretty much the opposite of control. And that makes him dangerous as hell. Mea has her own demons, and falling in love-or even in lust-is strictly a no-go proposition. But she soon finds out Drake is incredibly single-minded when it comes to getting what he wants. And he’s determined to be the exception to all her rules.

Reader advisory: The heroine’s past deals with dark elements some readers may find disturbing. Recommended for mature audiences only.

Winner receives a paperback copy of Man of Honor.

Make a comment to enter. After 24 hours, Diana will contact the winner by email.

(Winner chosen using random.org via the comments.)


Categories: Books


Brianna Lespinasse · August 23, 2016 at 4:07 pm

This sounds intense. Can’t wait to read it!

Jordan Belamire · August 23, 2016 at 4:48 pm

Excited to read this whether or not I win the copy! Sounds like a wild ride.

Mary Preston · August 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm

This does sound like an exciting read.

Michelle Bishop · August 23, 2016 at 7:06 pm

Omg…. this is next signed book I want so bad! Please pick me!!

Viki Pazdur · August 23, 2016 at 7:59 pm

Reading this ebook right now!! Love it!!!!!!!

Marty Mayberry · August 23, 2016 at 9:07 pm

Wow. Sounds like something that’ll keep me awake until I finish!

Suzanne · August 23, 2016 at 9:13 pm

Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

Joy · August 23, 2016 at 10:08 pm

Sounds awesome! Can’t wait to read this book!!

Aastha Khanna · August 24, 2016 at 8:15 am

Wow! Great cover and I would love to read it.

Amy Townsend · August 24, 2016 at 11:01 am

Wow! That sounds awesome!

Heidi Kneale (Her Grace) · August 24, 2016 at 9:01 pm

I’d read something juicy like that.

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