PitchWars LogoWelcome to the mentors’ wishlist blog hop! From today until submission day, use the linky below to hop to all the mentors’ websites/blogs to read their bios, wishlists, and what categories and genres they want to mentor.

For those unfamiliar with Pitch Wars, it’s a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions on how to make the manuscript shine. The mentee then revises their manuscript for two months under the guidance of their mentor. The mentor also critiques his/her writer’s pitch and query letter to get it ready for the agent round. To do this, the mentors read all their applications and choose the writer they want to mentor and to get ready for the agent round on November 3-9.

Want to find out about the fabulous agents joining us this year? Go to this post and this post to find out.

Need instructions? Go to this post here.

Want to donate to support Pitch Wars and get two extra application? Go to this post here.

Pitch Wars Live! Some our Pitch Wars mentors will be chatting live with with the wonderful Nikky Roberti starting July 19 with the final one on August 2. The fun will be happening on the hashtag #PitchWars, and if you miss one, we’ll post the recorded chats here, too.  Make sure to watch and get to know the mentors. Follow the #Pitchwars during the chats to ask questions for the mentors. Here’s the schedule:

All shows will start at 8PM EDT.

July 20 – YA Mentors
July 21 – MG Mentors
July 22 – Adult/NA Mentors
July 25 – YA Mentors
July 26 – MG Mentors
July 27 – YA Mentors
July 28 – Adult/NA Mentors
July 29 – YA Mentors
August 1 – A Mix … All about the Slush
August 2 – A Mix … Submission Eve Party, & All about the Slush

Surprise!! It’s the first ever Mentor Blog Hop Scavenger Hunt!

We’re so excited to announce this special game. After all the mentors make their mentee picks, we’re holding a drawing and picking three lucky writers to go through the mentoring process. Only those who enter Pitch Wars can enter the scavenger hunt. This is a random draw. So anything goes! And anyone can win! That’s one writer each from the middle grade, young adult, and adult/new adult pool of submissions. The winning writers will go through two months of revisions. If the winners are able to get their manuscripts and pitches in great shape with the help of his or her mentor, we’ll make room for them in the agent showcase in November. The final manuscripts and pitches will be presented to our anonymous agent judges to determine if they are ready for the showcase.

How can you enter for this amazing chance? Easy. Or not so easy. You have to go on a scavenger hunt for letters that will spell out a famous author’s quote and his name. During the mentor blog hop, search for a letter somewhere on each mentor’s post. Gather the letters and fill in the blanks below to reveal the quote and the author. Don’t worry there will be hints along the way. Please don’t share the answer or post it on social media. If we see a tweet or a post or whatever, you’ll be disqualified from the drawing. Thank you!

_ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _   _   _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ :  _ _ _ _   _   _ _ _   _ _ _   write  _   _ _ _ .   _ _ _ _ _ ‘_   _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ ‘_    _ _ _ _ _   _ _ ,  _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.”  _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _

Hint: Red lines are vowels (_). Black lines are consonants (_).

Hint for words 11 & 12 and words 28 & 29:

Hint for the last word in the quote:

  Image result for cut

And here’s another hint. The author as a boy.

To enter the drawing, fill out this form …

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Meet the team mentoring the winners of the scavenger hunt drawing …

Shanna Rogers

Taking on your middle grade manuscript:

Shanna Rogers


Shanna is a middle grade writer represented by . Mom–powered by Keurig. If someone opens a bookstore with wine and cheese tastings, she will live there. She’s also a Pitch Wars 2015 alumni!

E.L. Wicker ⚜

Taking on your adult or new adult manuscript:

E. L. Wicker

@ELWiscker | Website

Born in Dublin Ireland, E.L. Wicker moved to England when she was nine years old. There she attended Coombe Girls School and her love of writing developed as she began to win literary competitions. A graduate of the Social Science’s at University of Essex, E.L. Wicker uses her knowledge of human nature to craft interesting characters and emotional relationships. Fractured Immortal is her first publication and the first in The Bearwood series ( ). Blogger at . New Adult Acquisitions for Lakewater press.

Blog/Contest Assistant, Heather CashmanBrenda Drake

Taking on your young adult manuscripts:

Heather Cashman and Brenda Drake

To learn more about us, check out our bios on the sidebar of this blog.

Now for the blog hop! Use this opportunity to get to know fellow writers, some a little further in the publishing journey than you, because making connections can bring new friendships, new favorite authors, or new advocates for your work. Happy hunting!

Please be respectful to our mentors. Ask brief questions, but do not ask for feedback or for them to go to links to read stuff.

And here are your mentors…


Your Middle Grade Mentors:

Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets — Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!
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Your Young Adult and Young Adult/New Adult Mentors:

Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets — Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!
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If this widget does not appear, click here to display it.



Your Adult and New Adult Mentors:

Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets — Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!
This preview will disappear when the widget is displayed on your site.
If this widget does not appear, click here to display it.


The best way to say thank you to our mentors is to buy their books!

We hope to see you August 3 for submission day!



Categories: Pitch Wars


Mary R. Woldering · July 20, 2016 at 6:32 am

I have a partially published series (2 self-published, 3 to go unpublished and 1 unpublished spin-out short story) I’ve been told I can’t enter because of this or submit a manuscript but I sure would LOVE a mentor. Is there anything I can do? Blog hops are so much fun!

    Heather Cashman · July 25, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    You can submit the non-pubbed manuscripts, just not the published ones. It would be difficult to sell to agents though unless they stand on their own. If you can make one a stand alone that is a full length novel, go for it! Good luck!

quiarah · July 20, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Hi there, Brenda! I’m trying to access the blogs, but I can’t seem to. The links don’t seem to be working. Not sure if it’s on my end, but I wanted to give a heads up.


LD Masterson · July 20, 2016 at 5:57 pm

I know I’m getting here a little late but it’s still July 20 and the Linky Widgets say they expired 20+ hours ago. Am I locked out?

Jolie Vines · July 20, 2016 at 6:40 pm

Yay! I’ve managed to wittle my mentor list to… 13. Damn, more work needed by me.

    Heather Cashman · July 25, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    You’re doing great for this early in the Blog Hop!

Jamie Moesser · July 31, 2016 at 4:51 pm

I’ve picked my mentor, but I’m guessing by the comment thread that I should pick a few more in case the first one doesn’t pick me. What I want to know is how exactly do we submit? Does each mentor have different processes/mechanisms? Should I just watch her (Charlie Holmberg’s) blog on the third to see?

    Brenda Drake · August 1, 2016 at 1:39 am

    You pick four mentors to send to. There will be a form up on my blog on Aug. 3 and you’ll fill that out. It’s fill in the blank and drop-down choices. Also, you’ll upload your 1st chapter to the form. It will give you instructions as you go. Good luck!

LD Masterson · August 2, 2016 at 5:16 pm

I’m a first time mentee hopeful. Got my submission ready and four mentors picked out. This morning I saw a writer’s blog (not related to yours) with a post about getting for pitch wars, and she had posted a full bio of herself for the mentors to check out. I haven’t seen anything on the pitch war blogs about posting a bio. Did I miss something? Thanks.

    Heather Cashman · August 3, 2016 at 10:18 am

    You could post a bio about yourself if you wish. It’s for the mentors if they are having trouble deciding on a MS. It’s not necessary, and the MS itself is the most important thing.

Mary Kate · August 3, 2016 at 4:47 pm

Thanks for the cool scavenger hunt! Though I have to say, I didn’t really have to scavenge so much as recognize the author photo, think about the quotes I like by him, and find the right one 🙂

Gretchen Mayer · August 6, 2016 at 8:28 am

Nooo! I forgot to add the author’s name at the end of the quote for the scavenger hunt! Any chance of a do-over?

    Brenda Drake · August 6, 2016 at 11:09 am

    Go ahead and resubmit your answer, Gretchen. 🙂

#PitchWars 2016 Wish List! | Ron Walters · July 20, 2016 at 1:52 am

[…] Now it’s your turn! We can’t wait to read your submissions. Pitch Wars is an incredible opportunity to get help polishing and perfecting your manuscript, as well as showcasing your pitch and opening to a bevy of interested agents. Kudos on taking the plunge. No matter what happens, you should take pride in having the courage to submit your work. Good luck! And check out all the mentor wish lists here. […]

Pimp My Blog, Yo. – ~~ Kelly Allan, Writer ~~ · July 20, 2016 at 6:22 pm

[…] Pitch Wars […]

Pitch Wars #pimpmybio – Raimey Gallant · July 22, 2016 at 3:59 pm

[…] Pitch Wars Mentor Blog Hop: hosted by author Brenda Drake, this annual writing contest is blowing up twitter right now. Brenda, I dub thee Exotic Fishy. […]

Pitch Wars #pimpmybio Blog Hop – Raimey Gallant · July 22, 2016 at 4:12 pm

[…] Pitch Wars Mentor Blog Hop: hosted by author Brenda Drake, this annual writing contest is blowing up twitter right now. Brenda, I dub thee Exotic Fishy. […]

How to Increase Your Odds of Getting into Pitch Wars - To The Shelves · July 24, 2016 at 11:05 pm

[…] easiest way to short your odds is to sub to the wrong mentors. Read the mentor wish lists c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y and whittle your choices down to the best possible fits for you and your […]

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