Pitchwars Badge (Square YA)

Manuscript Status: 2 week delivery

Mentor Name: Dannie Morin
Mentee Name: Alison Miller
Category: YA
Genre: Contemporary
Word Count: 86000


Best friends and soccer all-stars Ashton, Jesse, and Z are on opposite sides of a prank text that spirals into a vicious social war and escalates to serious injury. When a common rival pits them against each other, threatening to destroy their friendship and futures, they must take him down—together.


I’ve been pantsed. Again.

I wouldn’t be so annoyed if this wasn’t the third time today. Or if I wasn’t standing in the middle of Hollister. With Hot Register Girl. In Batman boxers.

I hate my friends.

Hot Register Girl blushes as I pull up my shorts. “Sorry about that.” I scratch my nose with my middle finger at my friends.

Z’s holding up a turquoise shirt that reads If you’re hot, I’m single. “This goes great with Ashton’s boxers, yeah?” he asks.

Yep. I hate them.

“You play for Penn Ridge, right?” Hot Register Girl points a pen at Z. He waggles his eyebrows, charm oozing off of him like cologne off a Hollister model. “Your friend scored a hat trick on my ex three weeks ago. He was totally pissed.”

“So is he,” I say. Her brow scrunches. “Tonight’s the midnight release of Urgent Fury Five. We’re hitting up GameStop and heading to my buddy’s for a shoot-em-up Zombie fest. He’s ticked I asked you out. Bros before hos, and all.”

Z’s words, but did I seriously say that aloud? I want to sucker punch my own nuts. No wonder I’ve never had a girlfriend.

I’m ready to bail when she tuts. “Movie’s out by then. I’m done at nine. Meet me here?”

“Sure.” I fumble for my phone. My next question’s bound to be a date-killer. “What’s your name again? I was too mesmerized by your beauty to concentrate.”

Z would be proud of that one.


Categories: Pitch Wars


Leon Husock · November 4, 2015 at 11:31 am

I’d like to see more! Please send a query + the full MS to leon@lperkinsagency (with Pitch Wars in the subject line), along with a one-sentence description of your book.

Rebecca Podos · November 5, 2015 at 12:11 pm

I love this! Can’t wait to read on! Please send the full ms (with PitchWars in the subject line) to Rebecca@reesagency.com. Thanks 🙂

Pitch Wars Agent Round - Brenda Drake | Brenda Drake · November 3, 2015 at 12:20 am

[…] PW #240: YA Contemporary: DANGEROUS PLAY […]

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