Thief of Lies Preorder Campaign (2)

THIEF OF LIES, book one in the Library Jumpers series, release date of January 5, 2016 is fast approaching. That’s like 45 days away. Gulp! I’ve been watching that little count down graphic on my sidebar tick down, and I can’t believe it’s so near now. For those who follow my blog and know me well, you all know it’s been a tough journey full of amazing moments, heartaches, and missteps. I wrote this book in 2009 and it’s the book of my heart. The one. Not to say that TOUCHING FATE isn’t the one. Just that I wrote THIEF OF LIES before it and it was my first love. You never forget your first love, the one you grew with, sweated and cried over.

People have been asking how they can best help me. One of the best things you can do to support an author is to pre-order his or her book. Pre-orders let booksellers know that you’re excited about THIEF OF LIES. This excitement could translate into larger bookstore orders. If the number of pre-orders is large enough, a bookstore may even order additional copies before the publication date. The more copies a bookstore orders, the better shelf space the book will have — and in turn, the more likely it will be discovered by a reader.

Moreover, pre-orders help ensure that more bookstores will order the book. All bookstores have to pick and choose what they will stock, but small indie stores and chains have to be really selective due to smaller budgets and floor spaces. Pre-orders help them make these decisions. Again, it is about discoverability. The more shelves THIEF OF LIES is on, the more likely a reader will be able to pick it up.

These are all things that could make a real difference in an author’s career.

As a “thank-you” for your support, I’m holding a pre-order campaign through January 5, 2016. If you pre-order THIEF OF LIES, you’ll receive a limited edition charm bookmark, an autographed bookplate, and a book cover magnet. The swag pack is for US & Canada addresses only. If your address is in the US, you’ll receive an entry into the THIEF OF LIES Pre-order Prize Pack. If your address is international, you’ll be entered to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a copy (eBook, paperback, or hard cover) of one of Entangled Teen’s newest releases (your choice).

TofL Pre order Cam

In addition, you will be entered to win a grand prize pack, which will include a (Kindle) Fire, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB, a hard cover copy of the coffee table book that inspired the Library Jumpers series, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LIBRARIES IN THE WORLD, a THIEF OF LIES pendant necklace and pin, and the swag pack listed above. The grand prize is US residents only.

You may pre-order THIEF OF LIES at any retailer.

For a list of retailers and to pre-order your copy of Thief of Lies, the first book in the Library Jumpers Series, go to this page here.

Fill out the form on this page when you have your pre-order receipt to receive your swag pack and to be entered to win more prizes! If you already entered the form prior to this posting, you don’t need to do anything. You’re already entered to win!

Thank you so much for your support! It means so much more than I can say.

Categories: Books


C.L. McCollum (@C_L_McCollum) · November 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm

Preordered and entered! I’m super excited to read this. The cover is gorgeous, and the whole concept sounds amazing. Library adventures for the win!

    Brenda Drake · November 20, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    Thank you, C! It’s most appreciated!

Anita · November 21, 2015 at 2:58 pm

Preorder. Done. Brenda, you do so much for the writing community! So generous. Congratulations on your upcoming debut! Can’t wait to read.

    Brenda Drake · November 22, 2015 at 10:53 pm

    Thank you so much, Anita! I’m excited for it to come out. 😉

Patchi · November 23, 2015 at 2:56 pm

I had pre-ordered the kindle version back in August, but I loved the bookplate so much I changed the order to hardcover. Good luck with your release 🙂

    Brenda Drake · November 24, 2015 at 10:45 am

    Aww, I’m so happy you did! 🙂

Becki Stockton · January 4, 2016 at 10:44 pm

So excited for this book!!

It's THIEF OF LIES (Library Jumpers Book 1) Release Day! - Brenda Drake | Brenda Drake · January 5, 2016 at 1:49 am

[…] I hope you’ll give Thief of Lies a try and order it today. Check out the Thief of Lies page on Entangled Publishing’s site here to read the first chapter and find all the buy links. And there’s still time to grab the swag pack and get an entry into the giveaway through the release day. Check out the details here. […]

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