Feeling blue about not getting accepted into PitchWars, but still want to edit your novel like nobody’s business?

Well, good news! I (Rae) am posting all of my PitchWars ‘homework’ exercises online, so you can go through the same process my mentees are. You can even ask me any questions you have about revisions in the comments section. Since I couldn’t mentor all of you, I thought you amazing people deserved the next best thing!

Head over to Bleeding Ink, Inc. and get revising!

UPDATE: I will also be doing query critique giveaways every month! Details at Bleeding Ink, Inc!


Martha Mayberry · January 3, 2014 at 7:22 pm

That’s so sweet of you, Rae! I’ve been checking them out already 😉 They’re fantastic.

    Rae Chang · January 3, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    So glad you like them! I’m just happy to be helping in any way I can.

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