Genre: YA Historical Romance
Word Count: 80,000


A modern adaption of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, set in a 1920′s speakeasy, about two pairs of lovers with different takes on romance and a way with words.


Uncle Leo is hollering into the telephone again, though I’ve told him a hundred times it doesn’t help the person on the other end hear him any better. It’s 1926; we had the phone installed years ago, but he still hasn’t gotten the hang of it. Holding the funnel shaped receiver to his mouth, he bellows, “WHAT’S THAT NOW?” and then proceeds to peek into it with one eye shut, like it’s a spyglass. “Blast,” he mutters and slams it down. Equal parts alcoholic and workaholic, Uncle Leo tends to look joyfully tired, even in frustration. He’s bald as an egg and compensates for the lack of hair on his head by growing a mustache thick enough to sweep the floor of a saloon.

“That’s the part for your ear,” I tell him. “You were shouting into the wrong end.”

“These contraptions are of the devil.”

His neck is red and his left eye has developed a twitch, so I hide my smile, closing my grammar book in my lap. “Who are you trying to call, anyway?”

My answer comes in the form of Hero belting down the stairs. “Are they here yet, Papa?” she asks, adjusting the sleeve of her dress as it slips off her white shoulder. The surreptitious look she sweeps over the drawing room, as though the enigmatic ‘they’ might already be waiting, lets me know the gesture wasn’t accidental. Given the excited flush of her cheeks, I think I have a pretty good guess of who ‘they’ are.

Categories: Pitch Madness


Lana Popovic · September 6, 2013 at 12:33 pm

I need this. Like kibbles, I need this. I place a fat fifty on this. Boom.

Jordy · September 6, 2013 at 3:40 pm

$20!! 🙂

Melissa Jeglinski · September 8, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Great concept. I’d like to Buy A House (Query and first 150 pages) Thanks, Melissa Jeglinski of The Knight Agency.

Carolyn Forde · September 9, 2013 at 10:56 am

$50 – A query & 1st 50 pages.

Anonymous · September 9, 2013 at 6:58 pm

Ship plays $100

Kimberly VanderHorst · September 11, 2013 at 1:42 pm

This is brilliant! (And I’m a huge Much Ado fan) Love the quirky little details, the characterization, and the voice. You bring so much to life in such a short space of time. Well done!

SM Johnston · September 17, 2013 at 4:01 am

I love retellings! And Shakespeare! Was gutted when I missed out on this in the draft but am so excited at all the attention it’s received from agents.

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