Genre: YA Psychological Thriller

Word Count: 63,000 


Nineteen minutes. That’s all the time it took for eighteen-year-old Brynn’s life to unravel. Nineteen minutes that left her scarred and three people dead, including Will, her boyfriend. Nineteen minutes she can’t seem to remember.

Now, after nearly a year in a psychiatric hospital, she returns to her idyllic hometown along the coast of Maine. Determined to move on, she plans to spend her final summer before college enjoying some fun and sun with her sister and friends. Unfortunately, not everyone is as anxious to forget about the past. There’s the police who are still investigating the accident, Will’s trouble-making cousin who doesn’t think it was an accident at all, and then, there’s Will, who seems to be reaching out to her from beyond the grave.

At first, she thinks it’s all in her head, a nasty side effect of her new medication. But as the hauntings intensify and the body count multiplies, she’s forced to face the fact that a killer may be closer to her than she realizes.


Maybe I’m invisible. I watch the minute hand creep another fraction of an inch around the black and white clock affixed high on the wall above my doctor’s head. Thirty seven minutes. That’s how long I’ve been sitting here listening to the two adults in the room speak to one another without so much as acknowledging my presence. I’ve gotten good at watching time. Stalker good. It’s my little obsession now. Something crazy I do in an effort to convince myself I’m NOT crazy.

I pick at my cuticles—slicing and biting at the paper-thin skin—and sneak a peek at my father, seated to my right. He looks happy. Too happy. His face is contorted in the same awestruck expression little kids get when a clown manages to transform a balloon into a poodle. You’d think he’d been the one stuck in a ten by ten cell for the last nine months and the doctor had just signed his release papers.

“I’ve arranged an appointment for Brynn to meet with a psychiatrist in your area next week,” Dr. Halstead advises my father while extending a manicured hand to slip him a business card. Her voice is soft and syrupy, like honey, like the color of her over-processed hair. “It’s important that she continue her current course of treatment.”

Dad nods like a deranged bobble-head doll while I continue to mangle my nails. He doesn’t realize my current course of treatment involves alternating bouts of solitary confinement and group therapy with kids infinitely more screwed up than I am.

Categories: Contests


Marieke · May 20, 2013 at 6:12 am

Oh my, that query alone gave me chills. This sounds like one of those books I’d love to read, only to be frightened out of my skin! Good luck!! 😀

Veronica Bartles · May 20, 2013 at 6:13 am

I love this one! Good luck in the contest!! 🙂

Artemis Grey · May 20, 2013 at 7:48 am


Maggie Young · May 20, 2013 at 8:27 am

This sounds AMAZING!! I would love to read this! Best of luck!

Copernicus Nerdicus · May 20, 2013 at 9:45 am

YES! I had the same chills reading her query! Loved it.

Ann Noser · May 20, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Absolutely wonderful Query! Sounds great! And the first 250 really makes me feel for the MC. Good luck!

L. T. Host · May 21, 2013 at 5:17 pm

What a mystery! Can’t wait to read this 🙂 Good luck!

Anoosha · May 21, 2013 at 7:21 pm

I want more! I love the voice and the concept! What more could you want in a book? Good luck! 🙂

Mollie Glick · May 23, 2013 at 7:08 am

This is a great premise! I’m happy to request this.


Christa Heschke · May 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

What a compelling pitch and first 250…I’d love to see this!

Caryn Wiseman · May 23, 2013 at 12:45 pm

I’d love to see this.

Monika Verma · May 23, 2013 at 1:15 pm

I would love to read more of this!


Anonymous · May 24, 2013 at 6:18 pm

You’ve been ninja’d! I would love to see a pitch, one-page synopsis, and the first fifty pages. Please send it as a word attachment to…(contact Brenda for further details!). Looking forward to reading your work 🙂


Anonymous · May 26, 2013 at 1:36 pm

Wow, this sounds great! I would love to see the pitch and the first three chapters or up to 10,000 words. Please contact Brenda for more details.

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