Genre: YA contemporary 
Word Count:64,000 

Adelaide is an expert liar. To survive in a world of scandal and secrets, Adelaide is forced to cover up for her popular older brother who uses her as a personal punching bag. 


The bruises fade long enough for a new crop to pop up, raising more eyebrows and even more questions. I run my fingers along the cheek bone under my right eye, wincing as I graze the three knuckle-sized bruises. I fall back, leaning against the glass door of my shower, glaring at myself through the mirror. How in the world will I cover these up?

My excuses get weaker and weaker, to the point that I’m not sure anyone believes me. I’m not even sure I believe me. Stuttering halfway through sentences only makes the story even less believable than it might have been in the first place.

I fling open the top drawer of my bathroom cabinet and pull out a bottle of foundation. I’ll cake it on until you can’t see a single bruise, despite the fact my skin will look eight shades darker when I’m done.

“Let’s go loser,” my brother shouts from outside my room.

I throw the foundation on the counter, silently cursing as the glass bottle chips the edge of my sink, a small porcelain triangle falling down the drain.

Glancing back in the mirror, I try carefully not to let my eyes fall to my ribs, to the pancake-sized bruises right underneath my fading violet bra. It’s a relief clothes are a school requirement. No one would believe I got these bruises from a not-so-graceful fall to the ground. They’re clearly in the shape of a fist.

“Adelaide, let’s go!” he shouts and hits my door hard.

Categories: Pitch Madness


Anonymous · March 27, 2013 at 6:19 am

16: query and first 75 pages – Pete Knapp

Anonymous · March 28, 2013 at 5:36 am

My dart hits this Outer Bull … Carlie Webber

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