Genre:Upper-MG Adventure 
Word Count:52,000 

A self-professed geek discovers that his dad is the world’s greatest superhero, just before both his parents are kidnapped. Will and his colorful collection of friends must save them before the world is destroyed.

The worst thing about getting hit in the face is that it hurts.

A lot.

Which is why when I found myself getting pummeled in the gym after sixth period by a guy everyone calls Thor, I couldn’t believe I had actually agreed to the beating. I was no superhero, so what on Earth did I think I was doing letting the biggest freshman at Bedford High use my body as a punching bag?

But let me back up a little here. My name is Will Peck, and I’m fourteen years old. I’m what people like to label a nerd. I prefer the term sentient-being-of-high-intellectual-acuity-with-low-social-popularity, but I’ll be the first to admit that geek, spaz and nerd roll off the tongue a lot easier. Sports have never loved me, so I made a deal with all the round athletic balls of the world a long time ago that I wouldn’t bother them if they didn’t bother me. Trust me, my life would be much simpler if I was good at any kind of physical activity. Even being able to jog, or play badminton without pulling a major muscle, would place me in higher esteem with everyone in my life.

Especially my dad.

I love my dad, he’s a great guy. But he’s, well, he’s too great a guy. I mean, he’s really good-looking and has muscles on top of muscles. That and he’s got perfect teeth, and this really awesome voice that’s all deep and dramatic.

Categories: Pitch Madness


Jordy · March 27, 2013 at 11:40 am

I aim my dart and hit 19 on the pie!

Anonymous · March 28, 2013 at 5:46 am

My dart hits the 17 pie … Carlie Webber

Pooja Menon · May 9, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Would love to see more of this! Would you send the pitch, first 50 pages, and a one page synopsis to

Pooja Menon

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