Genre: YA Fantasy 
Word Count:81,000 

Phineas enslaves teens in his crazy-twisted Phreak Show by wielding their warped self-images against them. Tera joins to free them, but struggles with the truth: she’s more like the wicked Phineas than his innocent phreaks.


The neon-red TATTOO sign buzzed with the only spark of excitement in Podunk. Or whatever clone of a town I rolled into that day. Slow and gray like all the rest. Railroad tracks stretched down one side of the street while a storefront church and a sorry excuse for a coffee shop sat on the other. A mom wrangled her toddler into a rusty pickup parked against the curb. Old men perched on a bench outside a hardware store, ogling me, some strange teenage girl, invading their land.

At least this Podunk had a tattoo shop. The first I’d seen in two days. Enough stalling. I needed to get it done while I had the chance, before I lost the nerve again, before my money ran out.

A bell jangled as I pushed my way into the antiseptic air. Drawings of hearts and butterflies, daggers and skulls, covered the walls. I slid my fingers into my back pocket and fished out my last eighty-three bucks. And the photo of Jamie. The white crease down its center cut right along the middle of his tiny body. A tangle of tubes and wires snaked in and out of him. And all because of me.

“What you need?”

I jerked away from the image in my hand, and followed the voice to the pierced lip of an inked-up guy. Scruffy hint of a beard, jet-black hair, and nerd glasses reflecting the light so I couldn’t see his eyes. I stepped closer, checking out his skinny jeans through the glass display case of tongue rings and metal bars.

Categories: Pitch Madness


Jordy · March 27, 2013 at 11:41 am

I aim my dart and hit 20 on the pie!

Anonymous · March 28, 2013 at 5:42 am

My dart hits the 15 pie … Carlie Webber

johnlucashargis · March 28, 2013 at 4:15 pm

Thx for the dart-luv, agents. Much appreciated!

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