Genre: Sci-fi
Word Count: 90,000

Categories: ContestsMisc


Sandy Lu · October 17, 2012 at 7:05 pm

It sounds a little confusing at first, but then you had me at gladiator school–Spartacus, anyone? Please send me a Word document attachment with your bio, synopsis, and first 50 pages!

Beatrice · May 26, 2015 at 6:25 pm

Hi i really want to read Beyond chains and stars but i cant find where to read it. Could you send me a link?

    Brenda Drake · May 26, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    Hi Beatrice. I’m not sure if Beyond Chains and Stars ever got published. This was a pitch event and was just at the querying stage at the time. You might try Googling it to see if it had. Thanks!

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