Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary
Word Count: 35,000 
Harold has ruined Jake’s life for the last time. So what if Harold’s “special” and a genius at baseball trivia and Algebra? But Harold’s baseball knowledge just might help Jake’s team beat the undefeated Comets.

On the first day of sixth grade, I cracked open the door and looked outside. The bus stop was empty. So far, so good. I’d figured Harold’s mom would drive him this year like she did when he was in kindergarten. Harold has trouble when it comes to new things. Well, that’s one of his problems.
I walked toward the stop and from behind I heard, “Hey Jake! Wait up! It’s 8:03. Bus Number 6 will be here at 8:07.”
I walked faster and called over my shoulder, “Thanks for the update, Harold. I didn’t know I was so early. Tomorrow, I’ll sleep in a whole 4 minutes.”
Harold caught up with me and said, “I woke up at 6:33, but Mom said I couldn’t come out until I saw you.”
Great. Where is that bus?
“Hey, Jake, have you ever heard of Harvey Haddix?” he asked while he rummaged through his book bag.
Categories: MiscPitch Madness

1 Comment

Molly Ker Hawn · September 8, 2012 at 11:28 pm

Body Shot! Query and first 25 pages, please!

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