Pitch Wars 2017 Agent Showcase . . . Adult and New Adult Entries

Welcome to the Pitch Wars Agent Showcase! Adult and New Adult entries …

For those unfamiliar with Pitch Wars, it’s a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or interns chose mentees and work with them for two months to make their work shine. Our amazing mentors chose one (some cases two) writer to mentor from nearly 3000 entries for this year’s for the agent showcase. (more…)

Pitch Wars 2017 Agent Showcase … Middle Grade Entries

Welcome to the Pitch Wars Agent Showcase! Middle Grade entries …

For those unfamiliar with Pitch Wars, it’s a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or interns chose mentees and work with them for two months to make their work shine. Our amazing mentors chose one (some cases two) writer to mentor from nearly 3000 entries for this year’s for the agent showcase. (more…)