Pitch Wars Webinars: First Chapter Masterclass


Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

A First Chapter Masterclass

This webinar provides a simple approach to writing a killer opening so that readers (and agents) are begging you for more! In this two hour masterclass, we will:

  • Create a first chapter blueprint that uses goals, roadblocks, and voice so that you can hook your readers from Page 1
  • Dissect how the world’s best writers are using variations of this blueprint to create wildly different openings so that you can use this blueprint to write a highly original opening no matter what your genre or style
  • Workshop a few lucky participants’ openings live so that you can see exactly how to take a good opening and make it unforgettable

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Pitch Wars Webinars: Avoiding Social Media Snafus with Literary Agent Natascha Morris


Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

Avoiding Social Media Snafus with Literary Agent Natascha Morris

Have you ever seen an editor or agent tweet about something and you are dying to respond? BUT WAIT. You want them to respond and like you. If you’ve ever found yourself recomposing tweets constantly, this webinar is for you. See real world examples of what not to do and get some advice on how to engage with publishing professionals on social media.

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Pitch Wars Webinars: Moving Past the Slush Pile with Editorial Assistant Judi Lauren


Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

Moving Past the Slush Pile with Editorial Assistant Judi Lauren

How do you stand out in a slush pile of hundreds of queries? Learn new ways to shape your query and first pages into an opening that’ll make agents and editors take notice. We’ll discuss common mistakes in queries and first chapters, as well as goals, motivations, and conflicts, that can further be used in edits on the rest of your manuscript.

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