HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE by Pitch Wars Mentor, Kellye Garrett … release day!

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About the book …

Hollywood Homicide (Midnight Ink, August 8, 2017) is an 85,000 word lightweight mystery novel that draws on my experiences working in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. I often encountered the various people chasing fame, be it a sprint, a marathon or a journey that never quite reaches the finish line. These are the people who populate Hollywood Homicide. If you’d like to meet them, read on. (more…)

Meet the Pitch Wars 2017 Agents! (Part 2)


We have an amazing lineup of agents participating in Pitch Wars 2017!

On November 1st , the Pitch Wars Agent Showcase will go live for all the mentees, chosen by mentors on August 24th. We will post three separate posts by age category (MG, YA, NA/A), listing the mentees’ pitch and the first words of their manuscript (pitch words + first page words = 300 words). The agents will search from November 1-7 through the posts, find their favorites, and request them. (more…)

Meet the Pitch Wars 2017 Agents! (Part 1)



We have an amazing lineup of agents participating in Pitch Wars 2017!

On November 1st , the Pitch Wars Agent Showcase will go live for all the mentees, chosen by mentors on August 24th. We will post three separate posts by age category (MG, YA, NA/A), listing the mentees’ pitch and the first words of their manuscript (pitch words + first page words = 300 words). The agents will search from November 1-7 through the posts, find their favorites, and request them. (more…)