A Pitch Madness Success Story!

Janet Sumner Johnson: Musings of a Children’s Writer I am beyond delighted to announce another Pitch Madness success story. The crazy talented Janet Sumner Johnson signed with Victoria Marini of the Gelfman Schneider Literary Agentcy! Deana Romito (@writeforapples) pulled her The Peanut Butter and Jelly Friendship out of the Pitch Read more…

Another success story…

cc: A1404  Cheers to another success! While we’re waiting for the results in the TEEN EYES EDITORIAL contest, I’m excited to announce that L.L. McKinney (aka @Tangynt on Twitter)  has signed with the amazing Brittany Howard and Marisa Corvisiero of the Corvisiero Literary Agency! I was able to wrestle L.L. Read more…