Query Workshop B-6: BETTER LIVES

It’s day three of the query workshop with me and three of my blogging friends. Two queries on four blogs for ten days. It’s going to be awesome. And here’s my next critique…   Dear Agent, Arrogant prep-schooler Marc Andrews knows stealing the physics final was a dumbass idea.  But Read more…

Query Letter Workshop

cc: shordzi Query Letter Workshop August 20 – 24  It’s time for another workshop. This one is for the dreaded query letter. I’ve gathered some talented writers and editors to help me critique forty query letters. All genres and finished or not quite finished manuscripts welcomed. We’ll choose forty names Read more…

A Query Sample

link Queries are difficult to master. I decided to post my query as a sample. This is for my upcoming debut novel, LIBRARY JUMPERS (Month9Books 2014). It was bought in a three-book deal at auction. Queries, I find, work best when they are short and enticing. Here it is. I’ve Read more…