First Page Blogfest

Elle Strauss over at Monday Musing is hosting a First Page Blogfest. Go to her site here to check out the other participants’ entries. Elle dusted off an old WIP for this and so have I. So, here it is: I should’ve ditched.  First day of school and I was Read more…

One Lovely Blog Award

I received this wonderful blog award from N. R. Williams, Fantasy Author and from Talei Loto at Musings of an aspiring scribe Thanks to both of you! It’s so sweet when someone thinks your blog is lovely. Conditions of the award. Post the award on your site and mention the Read more…

Hook Line & Sinker Blogfest

  Hook Line & Sinker Blogfest Justin W. Parente is hosting the Hook Line & Sinker Blogfest over on his blog In My Write Mind. Click on the link above to check out all the participants’ entries and friend Justin–his site is awesome! Here’s the challenge in Justin’s words: “Just Read more…