Crazy Holiday Blogfest

We interrupt this Blogfest to announce …  I’M A FINALIST IN MICHAEL’S HARRY POTTER BLOGFEST!!!  You can read my entry below and then go (HERE) to read and vote for your favorite entry!  Christine Danek is hosting the Crazy Holiday Blogfest on her blog Christine’s Journey today. To view all Read more…

Blogfests and The Twelve Days of Christmas Harry Potter Style video by CA Marshall (accompanied by Brenda Drake)

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First off, I’m participating in several blogfest, so please scroll down to find The Harry Potter, Midwinter, and  Query Letter Blogfests. Secondly, CA Marshall is holding the Twelve Days of Christmas Blogfest on her blog (HERE) starting tomorrow. She’ll have guest bloggers writing about each day of the song Read more…

Take on Amazon Web Splash . . . help Talli Roland

Help Talli Roland’s debut novel THE HATING GAME hit the Kindle bestseller list at and by spreading the word today. Even a few sales in a short period of time on Amazon helps push the book up the rankings, making it more visible to other readers. No Kindle? Download a free Read more…