Writers for Hope Auction

Writers for Hope Bid on query critiques, page critiques, and all kinds of writerly things to benefit RAINN on the Writers for Hope Auction website. Important things to know about this event: Through this fundraiser you can bid on writing work critiques, consultation calls, signed books, signed CDs and book-related accessories and Read more…

Pitch Wars is against Bullying …

  I’m back from traveling, and while I was out of town, I was saddened to learn of the recent suicide of Julie Lonewolf (@juliethewolf). Julie took her life in February after being targeted, stalked, and harassed by members of the online writing community. Julie was a queer, autistic, Black, and Read more…

Twitter Pitch Party Today!

See the official #PitMad page here.   There’s a twitter pitch party on the Twitter hashtag #PitMad today, December 1st, from 8AM to 8PM EDT. Get your twitter pitches ready and make sure to include all the appropriate hashtags, especially #PitMad, in your 140 character tweet-pitch. If you need help creating Read more…

Giveaways by Author Accelerator!

We’re excited to offer some amazing editorial prizes from the fabulous people at Author Accelerator. Three writers who entered Pitch Wars and weren’t chosen by a mentor will win a full manuscript evaluation. Manuscript evaluations give writers a comprehensive summary of the strengths and weaknesses of their story and a Read more…