Semi-finalist #2

Name: Robin Weeks Brina knew better than to go out in public looking less than her questionable best. But she was late, it was rush hour, and home was thirty minutes away by car… but only ten by air. So she dumped her school bag, gym bag, and purse in Read more…

Semi-finalist #3

Name: Deborah Pannell Mr. Mooney was in a very bad mood. Driving home from work on the crowded West Side Highway north towards the Henry Hudson Bridge, he heard a funny clacking sound coming from under the hood that sounded suspiciously like the sound he heard the last time he Read more…

Semi-finalist #4

Name: Taffy Lovell “Angelica!” Again with the yelling. My sister seriously doesn’t get the idea of sleeping in. Or how mornings should be enjoyed in peace and— “You said you’d drive today!” Yeah.Yeah. I glance at the digital Mickey clock and groan; I could have slept in twenty more minutes. Read more…

Semi-finalist #5

Name: Sharon Bayliss Warren’s mother had taped his old Star Wars comforter over the patio door of their apartment.  He didn’t pause too long to wonder why.  His mother suffered from what his brother called, “severe eccentricity,” and blacking out the windows with old sheets for no obvious reason wasn’t Read more…

Semi-finalist #6

Name: Lori Freeland I hated cemeteries. Which sucked for me, because as of noon today, Restland Memorial Park became my sister’s new permanent address.  The service and burial finished, the last thing to get through was this farce of a reception. At my house, no less. How much longer would Read more…

Semi-finalist #7

Name: R. A. Desilets My father dropped the last bag with a huff and looked over the long winding sidewalk up to the main set of brownstones xxxxxxxxx. “Are you sure you don’t want us to come in with you?” I shook my head.   My mother arched her eyebrow. Read more…

Semi-finalist #8

Name: A.E. Martin After a three month leave I was looking forward to going back to work, even though that involved dealing with demon politics that made being stuck between a rock and a hard place look like a cozy place to take a nap. When I left the parking Read more…

Semi-finalist #9

Name: Crystal Licata If I would have known I was going to die before my xxxxxx birthday I would have definitely been more reckless. Like ran off with some hot college guy to the city for the weekend or chopped off all my hair for once. Or simply just stopped Read more…

Semi-finalist #10

Name: Laura Josephsen Wen stood outside the dragon’s cave,his shield on one arm and a small glass bottle of invincibility potion clutched in his fist. The full moon shone brightly down on him and he looked up at it,trying to judge if it was at the right position. The contents Read more…

Semi-finalist #11

Name: 1000th.monkey It’s easy to forget that crazy is relative, like how I never think about Triss’ driving until someone new gets in the back of her car. Last week she offered to drop Dave and Sam at the mall. When Triss spun the wheel and yanked up on the Read more…