SHADOW OF DECEPTION by Sophia L. Johnson … new release to benefit Covenant House, helping homeless youth!

Title:  Shadow of Deception (The Kazumi Chronicles #1) by Sophia L. Johnson Publisher:  Outskirts Press ISBN-13: 9781478742845 Publication Date: April 9, 2015 Genre: Young Adult/Science Fiction Order it Now @ Barnes & Noble  |  Amazon Add it on Goodreads! NOTE: Sophia L. Johnson have partnered up with Covenant House, an organization dedicated Read more…

RODIN’S LOVER by Heather Webb … release day!

Barnes & Noble      Amazon      IndieBound Synopsis: As a woman, aspiring sculptor Camille Claudel has plenty of critics, especially her ultra-traditional mother. But when Auguste Rodin makes Camille his apprentice—and his muse—their passion inspires groundbreaking works. Yet, Camille’s success is overshadowed by her lover’s rising star, and her Read more…