From September 22-28, we’re posting mini-interviews with some of our 2021 Pitch Wars mentors. We thought it would be fun to have them answer one question. A question that would give you an idea of their personalities. And possibly spotlight a mentor you may have missed on your exhaustive search through the blog hop for the perfect four mentors to submit to when the Pitch Wars 2021 submission window opens. Don’t know what Pitch Wars is START HERE


We’re also giving away 2021 mentors’ and committee members’ books! Go to the bottom of this post for details on how to enter for a chance to win.

Need to connect to the community?

Join the Pitch Wars forum to have discussions with some of our mentors and other writers or get your work critiqued by your peers (and sometimes mentors) or search for critique partners. It’s our gift to you for being so awesome, and we hope you find this space useful. To join the forum go here:

Mark your calendars!

Join us for our official  chats on Twitter and our live mentor video chats happening on Sarah Nicolas’ Youtube channel. Go to this blog post for dates and follow @PitchWars on Twitter for all the details.

This is the question we asked our mentors to answer: 

If you could tell your younger self anything about writing or the publishing world you’ve learned or didn’t expect when starting out, what would it be?

And here are their answers …


Co-Mentors Cindy Baldwin & Amanda Rawson Hill

Wishlist Link

Cindy: “You are not a prodigy—and that’s okay! The sooner you come to recognize the wealth of things you don’t yet know, the sooner you can improve as a writer. You have an infinite capacity for growth and change; I promise, you won’t be stuck in almost-but-not-yet-there limbo forever.”

Mentor Page | Book Link




Amanda Rawson HillAmanda: “That’s not really revision. Nope, not that either. No. You know what? You just need to blow it up and start over.”

Mentor Page | Book Link




Erin Teagan

“If I could tell my younger self anything about writing I would tell myself to relax and take more breaks! It took me a while to realize that actively NOT working – being quiet, reading, sitting under a tree, taking time away from my desk — makes all the difference in my writing. ”

Wishlist Link | Mentor Page | Book Link




Co-Mentors A.J. Sass & Nicole Melleby


“We would tell our younger selves that the journey to publication may be long and filled with self-doubt, but keep pushing forward. One day your words will reach the readers who need them most.”



A.J.’s Mentor Page | Book Link







Nicole’s Mentor Page | Book Link








Enter for a chance to win one of our mentors’ or committee members’ books. We’ll choose ten winners to receive one book each. You ARE NOT limited to the mentors featured in our spotlight posts. You can choose any 2021 mentor or committee member’s book. All you have to do is search our mentors’ and committee members’ books, pick one you’d like to receive should you win, and enter it in the rafflcopter at the bottom of this post. The book must be one from our 2021 mentors or committee members.

You can find our mentor pages here: And you can find our committee members here:

It’s open internationally, but only for books available on the Book Depository. Make sure to go to their site and verify the book is listed for sale there before choosing your book in the Rafflecopter. Please note: The book you choose might not be immediately available due to supply chain challenges impacting the entire publishing industry.


a Rafflecopter giveaway